Example sentences of "taking [pos pn] eyes [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Finally , without taking my eyes off the flowers , I may move the vase closer , or walk around the table and look at the flowers from different angles .
2 Like Diane Barker , of Bishop Auckland , a deaf teenager who passed her test first time in 1984 after having special mirrors fitted so she could lip read commands from the driving instructor without taking her eyes of the road .
3 ‘ How did it look ? ’ she asked Morris , not taking her eyes off the screen .
4 Jess spoke fiercely , not taking her eyes from the raddled face , daring her to deny it .
5 Taking her eyes from the man onstage , she gave the punters a swift once-over .
6 Without taking his eyes of the road he said , ‘ What about putting a Velcro spot under the legs , with the sticky side facing down ? ’
7 As I lay on O 's chest something moved me to snap the locket open , and I remember I asked , who is that ? thinking maybe this was the solution to the mystery , and he said , in the same voice that he talked with later in the night , a sleepwalker 's voice , without taking his eyes off the ceiling he said , I do n't know ; I just found it in a magazine .
8 The driver tipped his head back , without taking his eyes off the road .
9 ‘ Looks like some kind of a machine , ’ he admitted , fumbling for levers without taking his eyes off the screen .
10 A Spanish recruit I had been playing poker against started making faces and gesturing behind the Padre 's back , when suddenly , without taking his eyes off the Frenchman to whom he had been talking , the priest jerked his elbow backwards into the Spaniard 's face , slamming him against an oven .
11 Gav had nodded in agreement , without taking his eyes off the screen .
12 ‘ Great , ’ said Morris , not taking his eyes off the screen either .
13 Without taking his eyes off the stacks of machinery which shielded the glimmer from direct sight , Craig walked quickly backwards until he felt the entrance hatch to the Power Bay thump into his shoulder .
14 Without holstering his gun , or taking his eyes off the glimmering phenomenon , Bishop dragged the little man from the chamber and threw him bodily into the Pit .
15 ‘ Ah , ’ he says , not taking his eyes off the ring , ‘ I opened some Valpolicella already . ’
16 Without taking his eyes from the young pilot 's , he slid his hand across his desk until his fingers encountered a brown , official-looking envelope .
17 ‘ Just another five minutes , ’ Nick begged , not taking his eyes from the ball as he whacked it half way down the table .
18 Ruff , Fido , ruff , get on … ’ said Piladu , without taking his eyes from the four men in uniform .
19 He nodded without taking his eyes from the spiked reel rolling below him .
20 ‘ The world might applaud your achievement but I doubt if it will condone your methods , ’ Nicholson said , taking his eyes from the bandaged man to look momentarily at Dexter .
21 And to the prior he said , without taking his eyes from the broken creature on the tiles of the floor , like a crushed and crumpled bird : ‘ Take him in charge .
22 He spoke without taking his eyes from the print .
23 ‘ You fret too much , ’ said Ymor , without taking his eyes from the two men opposite him .
24 He threw her a quick glance , briefly taking his eyes from the road .
25 We all went on playing without taking our eyes off the music .
26 This means concentrating on the tow and only taking your eyes off the towplane for a brief moment .
27 All without lifting a finger or taking your eyes off the traffic for one moment .
28 Without taking your eyes off the road , ‘ see ’ a parking space just where you want it , and expect it to be there .
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