Example sentences of "difficult to determine [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas these may appear to be easy to recognize in theory , in practice it can be difficult to determine whether a sediment is grain supported or matrix supported in a hand specimen , but particularly when seen in two dimensions within a thin section ( e.g. Fig. 5.2d ) .
2 It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether the patient is ill-tempered and perhaps foulmouthed towards you because of the immediate effects of his illness and the frustration he feels , especially if he can not speak normally , or whether it is part of a personality change which is going to last indefinitely .
3 While this analysis was being made against the background of a worsening position for NHS funding , it is difficult to determine whether the development moneys will be lost as the critics maintain .
4 It was difficult to determine whether the explosions were from the German shells or from the Allied shells passing over , with the usual one or two dropping short .
5 It is often difficult to determine whether the SPR is reporting a failure in the software , a misunderstanding , or a failure in delivered instructions .
6 It is often difficult to determine whether the SPR is reporting a failure in the software , a misunderstanding , or a failure in delivered instructions .
7 Most studies do not use representative samples , and personality traits are typically assessed after the eating disorder has developed , thus making it difficult to determine whether the personality features caused , maintained , or simply resulted from the eating disorder .
8 On the other hand , comparisons with national data may be less relevant in that there may be broad geographical variations either in incidence or in case ascertainment that would make it difficult to determine whether an increase in Seascale or Allerdale and Copeland was a local effect ( and hence possibly related to Sellafield ) or whether it affected the whole of Cumbria .
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