Example sentences of "found herself [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Lee found herself gazing at the pubes of a woman a little way along from her and thinking about undergrowths and mazes and secrets and magic and dirt .
2 Beth shuffled her feet in the awkward silence and found herself looking at the second man more closely .
3 Glad that her limited knowledge of Danish included an apology , she blinked away her tears , raising her eyes to the stranger 's face and freezing as completely as Lot 's wife as she found herself looking into the ice-blue eyes of the man she loved .
4 A sound had her spinning round and she found herself looking into the astonished eyes of Marie as the girl slid from her bicycle and walked forwards to confront her .
5 Lowering her head , Loretta stepped through the narrow gap , and found herself looking from the shadow of the gateway across a carefully tended lawn to the far side of the college .
6 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
7 It was a brief respite ; when , presently , she took a break and switched on the radio , she found herself listening to the voice of Detective Inspector Clarke who was being interviewed by a reporter .
8 Every time she heard the slightest noise , she found herself glancing towards the archway .
9 Exhausted , she had slept almost the clock round that first night , and often found herself dozing during the day .
10 More and more , Beth found herself acting as the buffer between them , and curiously enough , at times when she sought to protect him , it seemed as though she was actually having to fight her own husband .
11 Miranda found herself flying through the air .
12 Ruth found herself crouching on the floor , almost fainting ; wondering how she could ever have thought before that Fincara was casting spells .
13 Even as she reassured Emilia once more that her concern was groundless Louisa found herself reflecting on the power of the weak , its hold upon the minds of others .
14 She asked herself which of them she should phone and found herself trembling at the thought of phoning any of them .
15 Again she found herself trembling at the thought .
16 At that moment , as she faced to him , waiting for an answer , Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner , barely bothering to decelerate at all as he did so — so that Ronni suddenly found herself lurching towards the dashboard .
17 When at last Luke released her , she found herself clinging to the kitchen cabinet like a shipwrecked mariner to a rock .
18 She found herself thinking of the story of Antonio and Louisa .
19 Once again , she found herself thinking about the boy in the picture .
20 She found herself agreeing with the historian 's distaste for Mills ' personal morality .
21 But she found herself talking to the empty room , and the sky outside the window was the untroubled blue of a peaceful July morning .
22 But even as she spoke she found herself wondering about the way she 'd reacted to his kisses ; if anyone should be well armed to protect themselves against the attractions of a man like Dane , she should .
23 After the meal she escaped as soon as she could and found herself walking up the stairs with Mitch .
24 Lee ‘ s briskness had been a last stand and she was ready to turn and walk down the five flights of stairs again when the door in front of her suddenly swung open and Lee found herself walking through the doorway .
25 She found herself walking along the road saying ‘ I 'll talk it all over with Alan when I get in — he 'll know what to do ’ , only to remember that it was Alan who was the cause of the heartache .
26 She found herself bending over the old woman and hissing at her , ‘ If it 's so natural , Great-gran , why did a woman approach me today , the mother of one of the little girls at school , and suggest that my daughter was fantasising about her father being in the bath with her .
27 With unashamed interest , he studied her anxious , freshly scrubbed face , and she found herself responding to the arrival at last of his faint , elusive smile , her limpid eyes softening with warmth because she knew instinctively that he smiled rarely and that she was privileged .
28 Again she found herself responding to the fever of his passionate desire , and as her own need rose to meet it a small cry of yearning left her — a cry that was accompanied by a totally different cry that echoed from downstairs .
29 For fleeting seconds Julie found herself staring into the rain-soaked face of the intruder .
30 The angry words dried up in a strangled gasp , though , as she found herself staring into the dark brown eyes of Julius Landor , her husband .
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