Example sentences of "go [adv prt] to the beginning " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
2 So when I 've finished the first draft , I go back to the beginning to check that it all hangs together .
3 If you transgress , go back to the beginning of your intent and start again .
4 When the pair finish one car they go back to the beginning of their segment and start on another .
5 He made Dinah recite , time and again , the lines ; modulate her voice differently , play on it , revise her gestures , go back to the beginning .
6 I thought I had some information here on prices I ca n't seem to find it no no , ca n't find it , never , never mind I 've got some figures here that looks at erm the growth in in trade , er it 's quoting , it says between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine the volume of agricultural trade grew by twenty six percent alright , however that was that represented one third of the growth in manufacturers so agricultural trade is rising but it 's rising much less rapidly than manufacturers here are the prices , at the same time , so between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine er food export prices fell the prices actually fell from eleven percent , t , by eleven percent whereas the unit value of manufactured exports , so essentially the prices of manufactured exports rose on average by twenty percent okay so over the , over that period agricultural prices were actually falling in real terms but if we widen erm s the window that we 're looking at , erm , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen er say over the post war period or if we er go back to the beginning of the century , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen erm but relative to manufacturing they certainly have okay .
7 So what er Richard Newstat is saying in his argument is , is , and go back to the beginning of this lecture , is to say the constitution of the United States makes life extremely difficult for any president .
8 so then if we go back to the beginning of this discussion Mr , it must follow must it not that there is a risk , clause nine is inaccurable so as far as all names are
9 no , you know , go back to the beginning
10 You do n't , so you do n't go for the new ones you just ca go back to the beginning of the list ?
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