Example sentences of "making [pron] impossible for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hence the current emphasis on sustainable development ( meeting our needs without making it impossible for future generations to meet their needs ) , which is what the Earth Summit is meant to be giving some practical expression to .
2 This debate has its origins in Laski 's deprecation of the narrow social basis of recruitment into the higher civil service in Britain , making it impossible for such people to understand working-class problems ( Laski 1938 ) ; and Kingsley 's prediction that an unrepresentative bureaucracy would block radical reformist policies and therefore threaten democracy ( Kingsley 1944 ) .
3 The Immigration ( Carriers ' Liability ) Act 1987 was an abominable piece of legislation , privatising immigration and putting it in the hands of aircraft and shipping companies , encouraging the use of bogus identity documents and , in many cases , making it impossible for legitimate asylum seekers to leave their own countries .
4 ‘ That 's friendly ! ’ he shouted over the engine noise , and he pointed through the windscreen at the concrete airstrip which not only had the yellow cross painted huge at its western end , but also had two trucks parked in its centre line , thus making it impossible for any plane to land .
5 One new size has replaced two old ones , making it impossible for half the customers to get a correct fit .
6 These viruses change their composition every time they load , making it impossible for conventional scanning software to find a known , fixed , virus signature .
7 If anything it will make their lives easier by making it impossible for American companies and citizens to keep anything confidential . ’
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