Example sentences of "less likely [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Firms are less likely to set profit-maximising prices for their products when faced with rising raw material prices and labour costs as it is more difficult for them to estimate their expected revenues and costs .
2 Brotherston 's data for Scotland showed that working-class mothers were not only less likely to attend ante-natal clinics than middle-class mothers , but that when they did they were also less likely to make early bookings — a fact which he considers relevant to infant mortality .
3 Families that spend a substantial proportion of time flying and/or feed aerially ( flight importance categories 3 and 4 ) are far less likely to exhibit graduated tails than are more terrestrial families ( categories 1 and 2 ; Fig. 2b ) .
4 Compared to whites , blacks are less likely to acquire educational qualifications , their marriages are more likely to end in separation or divorce and they are more likely to have a criminal record .
5 There is extensive research evidence that disabled and elderly people who are living with someone else , particularly when this includes a non-elderly married female relative , are less likely to receive statutory services than are those living alone ( Qureshi and Walker , 1986 , 1989 ; Arber et al . ,
6 Generally speaking , female workers are less likely to undertake traditional forms of industrial action , and this may have a growing impact on the role of the labour movement in future decades .
7 Using one minus the proportion of the workforce holding unskilled , semi-skilled or clerical jobs as a proxy for the level of skill of the workforce , Table 3.12 suggests that , at least with fixed-term contract workers , employers ' behaviour is as expected — establishments with a highly skilled labour force are less likely to use temporary workers .
8 There was , however , no support for the proposition that establishments with a dominant market position or insensitive to their competitors " pricing behaviour were less likely to use temporary workers .
9 Thus , establishments with declining output , falling overtime and declining employment levels were less likely to use temporary workers or , more precisely , were less likely to be using fixed-term contract workers .
10 The narrower range of discretion of each bureau in selecting production processes should mean that review committees are less likely to include strong representations by those with an interest in any given bureau 's output .
11 This technique employs a more gradual fixation procedure and is less likely to produce broken preparations showing artefactual losses of chromosomes .
12 They are less likely to write anonymous letters to the DHSS about widows and war pensioners : ‘ After all ’ they say , ‘ how she lives is her own business : she ( or her husband ) earned her benefit ’ .
13 Brotherston 's data for Scotland showed that working-class mothers were not only less likely to attend ante-natal clinics than middle-class mothers , but that when they did they were also less likely to make early bookings — a fact which he considers relevant to infant mortality .
14 Women with dependent children are less likely to have full-time jobs but more likely to have part-time jobs , than women without .
15 For a given cholesterol level , women are four times less likely to develop coronary problems than men .
16 If your standard way of eating ( or your slimming diet ) includes a mix of proteins , complex carbohydrate , and fresh fruits at each meal , you are much less likely to eat large amounts of refined sugar or the products that contain it .
17 A third possibility is that physicians are less likely to admit elderly patients to the hospital for treatment , so that age 's effect on mortality is exerted before admission .
18 Dry powder devices such as Diskhalers and , particularly , Turbohalers are possibly less likely to accept foreign bodies because of the fairly small sizes of their mouthpieces .
19 Older people are less likely to consume alcoholic drinks than the younger age groups and those who do drink consume less than their younger contemporaries .
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