Example sentences of "order [to-vb] the necessary [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The recognition that managers needed training in order to acquire the necessary skills to manage effectively implicitly accepted that such skills could be moved around and injected into businesses when required .
2 First , where an elderly person had moved into the household of a younger generation relative , the latter often made extra purchases , ranging from an extra bed or bedding through to the construction of an additional bedroom , in order to provide the necessary accommodation .
3 One of the factors which must be taken into account is that we have to be responsive to changes in our scientific activities in order to provide the necessary Library support for them .
4 Peasants were enticed away from subsistence agriculture because of the potential profits and , in order to buy the necessary equipment and fertilisers and to sell the final produce , they had to work through the market .
5 The aircraft industry pioneered the development of integrally machined parts , in order to get the necessary structure strength .
6 It is for British Coal to decide what manpower it requires However the Government need to make some estimate of the number of redundancies in order to seek the necessary estimate provision for restructuring grant . ’
7 In a Andean Declaration on the initiative , the participants agreed to work with other Latin American countries and the USA in order to formulate the necessary mechanisms to bring it into existence .
8 Apart from branches of psychology , laboratory experiments in which factors were manipulated in order to achieve the necessary control were clearly impracticable when dealing with , say , the effects of educational attainment on voting choice .
9 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
10 Clearly much more work is required on the development of techniques to observe the user during the search activity in order to make the necessary assessments .
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