Example sentences of "yet it is clear that " in BNC.

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1 This unilateral action by Prussia was opposed by the other hegemonial power within the Deutscher Bund , Austria ; yet it is clear that there were those in Prussia who perceived the political prizes to be gained from taking the lead in economic union .
2 Yet it is clear that his approach was overwhelmingly based upon Marx 's reproduction schemata , and it would seem to be an entirely legitimate use of the concepts embodied in Marx 's work .
3 Followers of Gandhi explicitly maintain that he was essentially a practical man with no concern for metaphysics or philosophical speculation , yet it is clear that whenever he attempted to explain what he meant by Truth he was involved in metaphysical speculation whether he or his followers realized it or not .
4 Yet it is clear that TUC leaders were trapped within constraints not of their making .
5 Only one of the statutes accords the title of gentleman to landowners of this magnitude , yet it is clear that a great many , if not most of them , laid claim to the style even at the risk of carrying a bigger sail than they could bear .
6 Yet it is clear that things are not as straightforward as later Christian tradition would have one believe .
7 Yet it is clear that something akin to what Kazantzakis depicts must have occurred in actuality .
8 Yet it is clear that there was a more general temper — among the intellectuals of Salamanca , Valladolid , and Seville for example — which was bitterly critical of Spanish society .
9 Yet it is clear that there is another kind of social history of cultural production , in its most general sense , and that this is central to its sociology .
10 Yet it is clear that there is significant and sustained conflict , over some crucial cultural issues , between the state in its simplest form ( as in legislation on obscenity or on official information ) or the ‘ apparatus ’ in its more complex form ( as in religious or educational campaigns against ‘ sex-and-violence ’ or ‘ materialism ’ ) , and the actual profitable operations of the capitalist market .
11 Yet it is clear that there are enormous possibilities for offering a rich mixture of sounds and players which can only enhance public worship .
12 Yet it is clear that existing law does not provide enough protection for children against sexual abuse within the home and the Committee fails to make alternative proposals that will sufficiently strengthen it .
13 Yet it is clear that despite this apparent failure of cooperation , we try to interpret B's utterance as nevertheless cooperative at some deeper ( non-superficial ) level .
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