Example sentences of "provides a useful [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter attempts to provide students with an elementary " strategy " for reading which ( a ) does not make the usual assumptions about their competence and ( b ) provides a useful procedure by which history texts may be approached more analytically .
2 Raymond Williams 's terminology of ‘ dominant ’ , ‘ residual ’ and ‘ emergent ’ forms provides a useful way of mapping such qualities ( 1981:203–5 ) .
3 Publicity provides a useful way of gaining a favourable public image for the organization and its products .
4 An interesting recent development is the programmable stepping motor control circuit ( Klingman , 1980 ) , which provides a useful compromise between dedicated microprocessor control , with its high cost , limited speed range but good acceleration/deceleration characteristics , and hardware-intensive control , with low cost , wide speed range but poor acceleration/ deceleration characteristics .
5 This provides a useful reference for future work , since the DC is not removed from LIFESPAN .
6 This also provides a useful framework for a report-style presentation .
7 In two papers outlining some of the causes of public discontent and their impact on education in the United States , Atkin ( 1979 , 1980 ) provides a useful framework for comparing the situation in the UK ( especially England and Wales ) with that in the USA .
8 We have seen that graph-search terminology provides a useful framework for clarifying and examining issues involved in automatic speech processing .
9 The study of Scottish Ethnology provides a useful qualification in various fields where a broad knowledge of Scottish background is relevant , for instance the media , museums , community work , development agencies and aspects of primary and secondary school teaching .
10 The water privatisation saga provides a useful metaphor for the greater debate within Labour and SNP ranks .
11 Hodgson ( 1987 ) provides a useful synthesis of this approach in distinguishing between leadership and management :
12 There is no doubt that LARSP provides a useful approach to the description and analysis of linguistic disability .
13 This provides a useful service for the retailer , since the goods then do not have to be priced at the shop .
14 In most cases the length of I provides a useful assessment of the mean diameter , and if determinations are to be made in the field this diameter provides a useful measure of average size .
15 Thus A 2 provides a useful measure of the thermodynamic quality of the solvent and measures the deviation from ideality of the polymer solution .
16 I hope you feel as I do , that it now provides a useful description of the contribution Area Staff make to Christian Aid 's overall task — I thought you might wish to retain a copy .
17 The latter provides a useful survey of current debates on local government .
18 The Health Education Council project on providing effective health care in a multi-racial society provides a useful checklist for assessing local services .
19 Nevertheless , the literature on the professions per se provides a useful entrée into this type of education , because it identifies some of the main themes which characterize not only those professions but preparation for them : the existence of a body of specialized knowledge and expertise ; the influence of professional norms and ethics ; the autonomy and responsibility of the professional ; the relationships with colleagues , clients and the state .
20 ISS provides a useful case in point .
21 In most cases the length of I provides a useful assessment of the mean diameter , and if determinations are to be made in the field this diameter provides a useful measure of average size .
22 The IS-LM model is a method of illustrating the general Keynesian model and provides a useful means of analysing the effects of various policy changes .
23 This distinction provides a useful basis for a review and evaluation of specific theoretical approaches to football hooliganism .
24 The notion of police audiences provides a useful basis on which to explain why this policy was adopted .
25 Plasticine is an old favourite and together with dough provides a useful alternative to clay .
26 The House of Lords provides a useful forum for debating the great issues of the day .
27 Jones ( 1973 , pp. 135–46 ) provides a useful quantification of roles , arguing that three broad categories are identifiable : ( i ) 75 per cent are mainly concerned with representing ward and constituents ' interests ; ( ii ) 5 per cent serve as general policymakers ; ( iii ) 20 per cent serve as policymakers in specific service areas .
28 It provides a useful introduction to a unique institution .
29 A related example , which provides a useful introduction to a more detailed look at the complaints levelled at our own practices , frequently surfaces in the national Press .
30 The best conclusion that one can draw is that the objectives model provides a useful tool for certain purposes , especially the basic levels of knowledge and skill acquisition , but that is should not be used exclusively nor without judgement .
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