Example sentences of "provides a [adj] basis [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The argument is that it therefore provides a good basis for a fair and orderly grading structure .
2 The advantage of this sort of work is that the descriptions of cellular mechanisms are very detailed and this provides a good basis for determining whether the same cellular mechanisms are available in mammals .
3 This distinction provides a useful basis for a review and evaluation of specific theoretical approaches to football hooliganism .
4 The notion of police audiences provides a useful basis on which to explain why this policy was adopted .
5 Business planning also provides a rational basis for measuring performance and helps managers to work as a team .
6 For example , Article 3 of the Agreement on Social Policy provides a legal basis for the consultation of management and labour at the Community level by the Commission before ii submits its proposals in the social policy field .
7 This provides a firm basis for the new interest in evaluation and an earnest desire for its continued growth .
8 Such an arrangement combines rigidity with flexibility and in addition to its protective function the cuticle determines the form of the insect , its relative impermeability to water reduces desiccation and it provides a firm basis for the attachment of muscles .
9 This provides a conservative basis for the calculation of indirect employment .
10 The adjustment provides a conservative basis for the calculation of direct employment since it is less than the 7.5% ‘ gap ’ noted above and makes no allowance for the 2% employed in Scotch Whisky companies who are not members of the SWA .
11 What is clearly required is a constructive solution which provides a proper basis for modernizing our joint relationships .
12 However , even now the epidemiological evidence for the disadvantages of a sedentary lifestyle and Western diet in causing current epidemics of obesity and non-insulin dependent diabetes in the developing world provides a compelling basis for promoting primary prevention of these diseases .
13 A SWOT analysis which has been carried out correctly provides a creative , forward-looking review which provides a balanced basis for considering possible future strategies .
14 Year I develops a thorough understanding of programming principles , and provides a sound basis on which to build further programming experience .
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