Example sentences of "moving in the [adj] direction " in BNC.

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1 If the motor is moving in the negative direction the excitation cycle is complete when the index register reaches location ENDLOW and the next cycle is initiated by shifting the register to point at location ENDHI .
2 Moving in the other direction are Pheonix who are already well-established on the 2-ply scene with their Driphter jackets .
3 Now , I have n't totally had a chance to talk to Mr er , about that , but I would assume that means you er , and so it 's moving in the other direction if anything Mrs .
4 In Fig. 7.4/a ) signal X leads signal Y when the motor is moving in the clockwise direction , but in Fig. 7.4(b) Y leads X for anticlockwise rotation .
5 Again the notebooks can be seen moving in the right direction with ‘ Svidrigailov : I 'm happy to go to America at once , but somehow nobody really wants to . ’
6 He warned Margaret Thatcher , as she prepares for a Commonwealth heads of government conference next week where the issue of sanctions on South Africa is expected to be central , against insisting that ‘ the regime ’ was moving in the right direction .
7 But he added that , with three-quarters of the company 's business now overseas , foreign exchange rates were moving in the right direction .
8 But he added that , with three-quarters of the company 's business now overseas , foreign exchange rates were moving in the right direction .
9 Opposition from vested interests will be intense , but no one should underestimate the power of the goodwill that survives to be tapped as soon as politicians are seen to be moving in the right direction .
10 You can enjoy the feeling that you and your life are moving in the right direction towards action , health , harmony and independence .
11 If the patient 's well-being is enhanced or if a problem such as asthma is cured , but joint pains flare up or a skin rash develops , the physician can reassure the patient that things are moving in the right direction and that the joint or skin problem should be transient and will also clear up in due course .
12 Charities give varying reasons for entering the Annual Report and Accounts Award , from wanting to know if their report 's overall structure is moving in the right direction , to learning from specific judges ' criticisms , but in the end , they all boil down to a desire to improve the standard of their accounts .
13 It will be a modest help and it is moving in the right direction .
14 The consensus , however , is that we are moving in the right direction and the further 1% cut in base rates and its knock-on effect on mortgages is the best tonic the country could get .
15 Rush is one of that group of people who coalesced in the early 70s and saw the signs that the tide might be moving in the right direction , and that they could influence its course .
16 You could n't edit the preview display , of course , and the typefaces were generic rather than accurate representations but things were , it seemed , moving in the right direction .
17 The fact that some believed that their teaching programme would not differ greatly even if such examinations were abolished seems to suggest that the GCSE syllabuses may be moving in the right direction , and present fewer conflicts with the way arts teachers normally operate .
18 With most of 1962 and 1963 taken up with stage , television and film work , Crawford could reflect that his career was moving in the right direction .
19 er , and moving in the right direction , a whole nest of things , when you think about , if you 're going to try and influence something that are influenced , but influence is actually very varied in terms of science .
20 However , as it was impossible to know whether it was blow one or blow ten ( the maximum number permitted at the moment ) which drew the blood on Roy 's Dream , it did serve to underline that though the Jockey Club may be moving in the right direction , its pace of reform is still too slow , leaving it too open to criticism .
21 It is moving in the right direction .
22 Sir Hector said : ‘ There was a general acceptance that we have to get things moving in the right direction but it is not easy to find a quick solution . ’
23 Other international companies are moving in the same direction and many , like ICI and BP , are firmly committed in principle to community regeneration .
24 There are other factors that recommend elimination , not least being the fact that everyone else is moving in the same direction ; so if British car makers want to sell their vehicles abroad , as surely they must , they must make car engines that run without lead .
25 It was still possible that this was thermonuclear fusion taking place in a mass of gas moving in the same direction as the current , but other measurements made this seem very unlikely .
26 The longstanding quota of 14 per cent on foreign imports was still in place , but Channel 4 was buying a quarter of its programmes from independent companies , and the BBC was moving in the same direction .
27 Whereas in much of eastern Europe , which was moving in the same direction , enserfment seems to have been the response of a very powerful nobility to a labour shortage ( made more acute in areas responding to the growing Western market for grain ) , in Russia the State clearly played a greater role .
28 They are none the less important , for other industries are moving in the same direction .
29 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
30 Heads of different divisions may informally set their own plan which is not moving in the same direction as the handed down plan to which they pay lip service .
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