Example sentences of "work [prep] the [adj] sector " in BNC.

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1 Large numbers of women still work in the non-formal sector and in agriculture , but this does not show up in statistics .
2 We can continue to gain services at a price that leads to the exploitation of some fellow citizens , whether they work in the private sector , such as in hotels , or in the public sector , as in the health services .
3 Another conclusion that can be drawn from this table is that , apart from the southern cone countries , those who work in the modern sector of the economy comprise a minority of the population .
4 Today I no longer work in the grant-aided sector and a great number of women who were my colleagues and contemporaries have moved on to work in broadcast or cable television .
5 Those who work in the formal sector are partly protected by the continued existence of a minimum wage requirement , but for the majority of those in the informal sector or in peasant agriculture , there is no such security .
6 However , it is time to focus upon important issues which are centre stage for those who work in the formal sector .
7 She admires wealth-creators , entrepreneurs , and people who have taken a chance in the market rather than those who work in the public sector .
8 That means little or no Pay Rises for those who work in the Public Sector .
9 It is a fairly cynical thesis but one that is not without its merits , as those who work in the public sector might testify .
10 Politicians also need to respect the motivations of those who work in the public sector .
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