Example sentences of "involved [prep] the development [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The second group , TDS.2 , was involved with the development of parachute equipment and delivery techniques .
2 But the Nikkei Industrial Daily sounds a note of warning for NEC : there are two pitfalls for the company with the current order , it says : the sheer difficulty of running a development project to create the mainframe software that makes up the ‘ Fourth Online System ’ — people involved with the development of Third Online Systems predicted the end of such enormous projects ; and the danger of overlooking the trend towards downsizing because it devotes too much time and too many resources on the project .
3 The Group will work on behalf of service and ex-service personnel whose human rights are being abused and will be involved in the development of human rights awareness in armed services training .
4 I am tempted to think that some such process is involved in the development of repeated structures , such as the segments of a worm , or a flower 's petals , or the stripes on a zebra .
5 As well as his own impressions ( and further reading ) , it draws on the comments made by his colleagues on the field trips and especially during a whole day 's discussion that we were privileged to have , at Uig Community Centre on 2 October 1980 , with many of those most closely involved in the development of the Western Isles .
6 Table 5 shows that the teams were involved in the development of 163 places in 50 units between 1982 and 1988 .
7 Scientists who had been involved in the development of Hitler 's ‘ V2 ’ rockets , during the war , had been persuaded by both American and Russian authorities , to develop a rocket to enter space beyond the earth 's atmosphere and its gravity pull .
8 Hormones of the adrenal cortex influence the behaviour of lymphocytes , the white blood cells involved in the development of immunity : the adrenal hormones , and synthetic related substances have been found useful in the control of those leukaemias which are , in effect , tumours of lymphocytes .
9 By 1800 he was involved in the development of the Bedford estates and the Regent 's Park terraces .
10 Exactly how the antibodies are involved in the development of diabetes remains uncertain .
11 He was also involved in the development of Bailey 's Irish Cream , which created an entirely new category of drinks , cream liqueurs .
12 He was also involved in the development of shopping centres , offices and other building project throughout the country .
13 I was involved in the development of the script for a project he was keen to do .
14 Quite clearly learning does not have to be involved in the development of the rules for learning .
15 Because glial growth factors could be involved in the development of the peripheral nervous system , we have localized , by preliminary in situ hybridization experiments , the sites of GGF transcription in the developing rodent nervous system ( Fig. 4 ) .
16 However , as Grant points out , working with voluntary groups and networks of carers ( indeed , creating and enhancing the capacity of such groups to provide care ) brings into play a different repertoire of activities and skills on the part of team members from those involved in the development of statutory services .
17 The purpose of these is to produce prototype implementations as a vehicle for the technical team to explain to members the factors involved in the development of neural network-based solutions across a range of applications .
18 The unions have been heavily involved in the development of industrial injuries law ; common law claims arising out of accidents at work ; employment law ; and health and safety standards .
19 He was involved in the development of the Digital , Computing and Software Engineering Syllabus of the new B. Eng .
20 The student will be involved in the development of skills and techniques related to project analysis and management ; setting and attaining goals ; assessing performance ; instigating performance criteria and the development of oral and written articulation of work ‘ in hand ’ related to progress and development .
21 In exploring the construction of marriage and divorce as a public issue , we will focus in particular on the role of politics , the law and the Church and the nature of the interaction between these and the various professional and public figures involved in the development of marital work in Britain since the 1930's .
22 Only Cuba stood out as still committed to a state-led economy although private capital was involved in the development of such areas as tourism [ see p. 38141 ] .
23 The International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) announced on Feb. 3 that Libya had agreed to allow it to inspect any sites rumoured to be involved in the development of nuclear weapons .
24 As part-time chairman , I am responsible for the managing of board affairs and am closely involved in the development of strategy .
25 As can be established by analysis of the affiliations of those most closely involved in the development of the plate tectonic paradigm , helpfully listed by Stewart , many of the major players were based in Cambridge , ( or had studied or lectured there ) , and in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego , California .
26 He was one of the first to have hands on practical experience of three week weaning of piglets and has been actively involved in the development of the Unit from its original 100 sows to the current size of 330 sows .
27 Bile acid malabsorption may be involved in the development of chronic diarrhoea in disorders of the terminal ileum , ileal resected patients , and in several clinical conditions including postcholecystectomy , post vagotomy , and functional and idiopathic diarrhoea .
28 Since it has been shown in rats that decreased somatostatin concentrations in the antral mucosa may be involved in the development of hypergastrinaemia during potent acid inhibition , we have studied whether administration of the long-acting somatostatin analogue SMS 201–995 ( Sandostatin , octreotide ) can prevent omeprazole induced hypergastrinaemia in man .
29 Moreover , the same group of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes are probably involved in the development of colonic carcinoma .
30 ( deputy manager ) is involved in the development of a computerised record system for new programmes and administration of APL system .
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