Example sentences of "takes a [adj] approach to " in BNC.

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1 So Wimpey takes a pro-active approach to safety and it is taken into account from project planning stage onwards , ’ says construction manager , Mike Stringer .
2 Replication Server takes a revolutionary approach to distributed database for those organizations who do n't need absolute data synchronization but the nee need the advantages of up to date data at ll of its points of most frequent use .
3 Training in interview skills takes a preventative approach to poor standards of interviewing .
4 My survey departs from sociological tradition and takes a new approach to women 's domestic situation by looking at housework as a job and seeing it as work , analogous to any other kind of work in modern society .
5 This programme takes a scientific approach to the story by looking at the advancements in science , like the discovery of electricity , that inspired her to pen it .
6 As we saw in chapter three , it takes a historical approach to the origin of factual narrative ( Herodotus ) and the origin of fiction as discredited language ( Aeschylus ) , comparing these to their modern-day equivalents in the oral media .
7 We began this section by noting that , unlike the United States which takes a structural approach to anti-trust policy , in which the possession of monopoly power is itself regarded as objectionable , the UK has taken a more open view of the benefits of promoting competition .
8 In Section 17–2 we saw that the United States takes a structural approach to monopoly , believing that concentration and monopoly power are undesirable per se .
9 Drawing software takes a mathematical approach to lines and shapes , and deals with objects rather than individual pixels .
10 Part III of the 1987 Act takes a different approach to the problem of defining the mischief which it seeks to stamp out , i.e. the giving of misleading price information .
11 In Chapter I , we emphasised that the discourse analyst necessarily takes a pragmatic approach to the study of language in use .
12 It will by now have become evident that this book takes an unorthodox approach to art criticism .
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