Example sentences of "plan drawn [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The " Wildlife Enhancement Scheme " , which is to be trialled in the Culm Measures of Devon and the Pevensey Levels of Sussex , will offer annual management payments in return for agreement from landowners/occupiers to manage the land for conservation , on the basis of a plan drawn up with the local English Nature officer .
2 When a plan drawn up during a period of supply crisis fails to analyse thoroughly the question of the balance of supply and demand this of course is no ‘ external ’ defect , no ‘ formal ’ omission , but a profoundly internal fault .
3 My Lord at the briefing that we attended er there was a sketch plan drawn up on the er the dry wipe board in the briefing room .
4 Although there were some variations as the election campaign unfolded , the thrust of the Tory message on law and order did not deviate from the plan drawn up at the meeting on 7 July 1978 .
5 Meanwhile on May 29 the National Assembly approved an economic recovery plan drawn up by a newly appointed economic adviser , Alassane Ouattara , president of the West African Central Bank , in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank .
6 We will decentralise planning decisions as much as possible , giving a key role to the local plan drawn up by the local authority .
7 The ending of the deadlock means Rechar money will almost immediately be put to use to finance the first phase of a £158m 10-year action plan drawn up by the East Durham Task Force .
8 Diplomatic sources say the ANC and the government plan to call a national referendum on the power-sharing deal if the smaller political groups decline to attend the multi-party conference to refine and ratify the plan drawn up by the two major political players .
9 Their freedom comes after Saddam Hussein has welcomed the Gulf peace plan drawn up by the French President , Francois Mitterand .
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