Example sentences of "attention was draw [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His attention was drawn to a red circle which had been drawn in the Business Section with the name JUDAS scrawled in large block capitals .
2 As he sipped his cider , Yanto 's attention was drawn to a group standing a few feet from their table .
3 Willie 's attention was drawn to a small brown bird in one of the hedgerows .
4 He slipped quietly in and glanced up at the windows and walls until his attention was drawn to a mop of fair hair sticking out from behind one of the back pews .
5 But her attention was drawn to a flashing neon sign mounted on a large metal box standing in the centre of the room :
6 Last week , my attention was drawn to a document headed ’ Oldham , Central and Royton Labour Party ’ about the ’ Royal Oldham Hospital Opt-out ’ , and bearing the name of Mr Bryan Davies , a former Member of this House who still works in the precincts of the House and who is the prospective parliamentary condidate for Oldham , Central and Royton .
7 At the latest meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council attention was drawn to a recent accident in Lower Dolphinholme when a child was knocked off his bicycle by a car which failed to stop .
8 So you can imagine my excitement when my attention was drawn to the small print in the back of Screen International , the film industry 's weekly newspaper .
9 Once his attention was drawn to the bending , the child dismantled the tower but before he could rebuild it properly , the teacher challenged him to build another bent tower .
10 In Chapter 1 attention was drawn to the tangle of relationships within which carers and cared may be enmeshed .
11 Here , attention was drawn to the dominance of a sub-culture of child abuse expertise into which many professionals working in the field are socialised in different ways .
12 Her attention was drawn to the radio once again .
13 It is time that more attention was drawn to the contribution of the SBS to the war in the Mediterranean ; what better way than to republish this first class account .
14 Attention was drawn to the proline-rich regions of Sos1 as potential SH3 binding sites by the mapping of other SH3 binding sites to proline-rich domains .
15 Again her attention was drawn to the roll of rubber sheeting .
16 Once the Origin of Species had converted the scientific world to a basic acceptance of evolutionism , biologists ' attention was drawn to the problem of reconstructing the history of life on earth .
17 Females under 18 years of age were recommended as particularly suitable for non-custodial sentences , and attention was drawn to the strengthening of supervision orders for juveniles in the Children 's Act of 1989 .
18 Particular attention was drawn to the small tunnel at Curiemuirend which leads under the Walkway to the bridge over the river to Westmill which is , at present , virtually impassable .
19 Particular attention was drawn to the small tunnel at Curiemuirend which leads under the Walkway to the bridge over the river to Westmill which is , at present , virtually impassable .
20 At the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council attention was drawn to the Minutes of Wyre Borough Council Land and Properties Sub-committee LP7 in respect of the above land .
21 At the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council attention was drawn to the overgrown state of the footway on Station Lane Scorton on the section from the entrance to Brook Avenue as far as the railway bridge .
22 In the 1980s attention was drawn to the small bowel , where the secretory and motor responses to stress seem to be different in IBS patients .
23 Sole practitioners and two partner firms were understandably fearful that institutions might retaliate to the imposition of a hardship test ( or cap ) by restricting their conveyancing panels to firms with three or more partners , and attention was drawn to the ‘ threat ’ issued by the Halifax Building Society in this regard , as well as to the current practice of a number of lenders .
24 Imagine your response if , when you were depositing funds in a building society account , your attention was drawn to the fact that if you died only the original investment would be returned , but if you lived you would keep all of the interest .
25 So it was with some surprise a few years ago that our attention was drawn from the dull French film noir onscreen to the back of the cinema , where a couple were resolving a lovers ' squabble .
26 Doyle 's attention was drawn by a youth , wearing suit and bow-tie , who called to him from an empty table .
27 A few moments later , balloon of armagnac in hand , I was listening to Dennis recount with great self-satisfaction how he 'd come by the priceless spirit , when our attention was drawn by the sound of running water from the kitchen .
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