Example sentences of "according [prep] the [adj] east " in BNC.

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1 According to the Middle East International of Feb. 16 , delegates were then " treated to the unedifying sight of their party 's two most prominent leaders simultaneously screeching conflicting proposals into the loudspeaker system " .
2 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of April 20 other members of the commission represented " most of the country 's political trends , including figures from religious fundamentalist groups and from the left " .
3 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of March 16 , however , the SPC authorized the government to revise the educational curriculum to include Islamic studies , as well as to establish an Islamic institute , publish a religious affairs magazine and expand religious coverage on radio and television .
4 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of July 21 the actual deficit was unlikely to be as high as this as the Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits .
5 On the contrary , according to the Middle East International of Feb. 22 , in the occupied territories the supporters of the PLO and those of its rival , the strongly Islamic Hamas , were brought together by a blend of secular nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism similar to that achieved by the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein .
6 According to the Middle East Economic Digest ( MEED ) of Feb. 2 , a United States official confirmed on Jan. 29 that the USA had cut its grant aid to Yemen for fiscal 1990/91 from US$20,500,000 to $2,900,000 , and that " everything is on hold " .
7 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of May 3 , Baker was understood to have warned the Amir that US support might dwindle if human rights violations continued unchecked .
8 According to the Middle East International of May 31 , the US permanent representative at the UN , Thomas Pickering , had been personally instructed by Baker to vote against the Israeli action .
9 According to the Middle East Times of June 11-17 , up to 115 of the 150 public-sector companies had been selected for privatization .
10 According to the Middle East Times of July 23-29 Garner " stressed that Western soldiers ' presence would not involve action against the PKK " .
11 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of July 26 , spiralling prices had been aggravated by an effective devaluation of the rial in January .
12 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of July 19 , about US$1,200 million of the total was to take the form of grants , with the remainder composed of loans at concessional or close-to-market rates of interest .
13 According to the Middle East International of Sept 27 , his dismissal came after he chose publicly to express his views during the Ba'ath Party 's 10th regional congress held on Sept. 12-13 .
14 According to the Middle East Times of Sept. 24-30 , the country 's annual inflation rate was running at around 700 per cent .
15 According to the Middle East Times of Sept. 30 , government estimates which put the damage to Kuwait of the Gulf war at between US$50,000 million and US$100,000 million [ see p. 38166 ] had been scaled down to US$20,000 million .
16 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of Oct. 18 , seven political parties outside the main opposition People 's Democratic Alliance ( PDA ) had united to oppose the government 's domestic and foreign policies .
17 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of Jan. 24 the government had revived a commission on economic Islamicization to seek a compromise between the banks and the sharia ( Islamic law ) courts .
18 According to the Middle East Times of March 10-16 some Saudi women were disappointed to find no mention of women in the legislation .
19 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
20 Two Egyptians had been arrested alongside the four Israelis and had been similarly accused of " collecting information about the country 's economic and political situation and some prominent Egyptian figures in order to supply this information to Israel " ( according to the Middle East News Agency of May 6 ) .
21 According to the Middle East Times of Oct. 13 , Syrian officials blamed Turkey for the failure of the talks .
22 MOVEMENTS by tankers in the past two weeks suggest that leading oil exporters are sticking to new limits on production , according to the Middle East Economic Survey .
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