Example sentences of "give effect to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The court should thus give effect to the rules wherever possible , while at the same time seeking to avoid legalistic interpretation , particularly if this produces arbitrary or irrational results .
2 But if the clause clearly specifies another valuation date , the court will give effect to the clause ( Prudential Assurance Co v Gray [ 1987 ] 2 EGLR 134 ; Parkside Investments v German Food Centre [ 1990 ] 2 EGLR 265 ) .
3 The English courts will not give effect to the acts of an unrecognised government …
4 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the object of the substituted section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 had been to simplify the requirements for the execution and witnessing of a will ; that the complementary requirements , of a signature and of an intention that the signature should give effect to the will , demanded a practical approach ; that a written name , not being a normal signature , was capable of being a signature for the purposes of section 9 ; but that where a testamentary document was signed before the dispositive provisions had been written , affirmative evidence was necessary to show that the testator had intended the signature to give effect to the provisions ; that by writing his name and the dispositive provisions in one single operation the deceased had provided such evidence ; and that , accordingly , the will had been duly executed ; but that , on the evidence , the deputy judge had been entitled to conclude that the onus on the defendants of establishing the testamentary capacity of the deceased had not been discharged ( post , pp. 588B–H , 589B–F , 592A–C ) .
5 He observes that , ‘ if Parliament be in the eye of the law a supreme legislature , the essence of representative government is , that the legislature should represent or give effect to the will of the political sovereign , i.e. of the electoral body , or of the nation . ’
6 The argument that the court should take account of the fact that the wearing of a seat belt would have caused other injuries of a different nature was rejected as a matter of principle in Patience v Andrews [ 1983 ] RTR 447 : it is respectfully submitted that this decision is wrong and does not give effect to the provision in s1 of the Law Reform ( Contributory Negligence ) Act 1945 , that damages should be reduced to such extent as the court thinks just and equitable .
7 But where local law is absent or ambiguous , and British courts have the opportunity to shape the law according to their notion of an appropriate public policy , they should give effect to the policy laid down by the Convention .
8 Following an appeal by UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar for a cease-fire over civilian-populated areas , this was accepted by both sides and the secretary-general now sought to widen it into something that would give effect to the Security Council resolutions , call for an end to the fighting altogether .
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