Example sentences of "makes [art] [adj] contribution to " in BNC.

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1 But it is the more routine work they do that really makes the significant contribution to safety in the air , such as the identification of the origin of injuries sustained in survivable accidents which has led to the de-lethalisation of aircraft cockpits and cabins .
2 Robert Jackson , for example , envisages a " middle way " as a " study of religions conducted in such a way that it makes a distinctive contribution to the pupils ' development of a coherent and personally satisfying set of beliefs and values " ( Jackson 1987 : 17 ) .
3 For every card issued , the Bank of Scotland makes a financial contribution to HCIMA .
4 It might also be argued that the mandatory life sentence makes a substantial contribution to public safety .
5 Each Faculty makes a substantial contribution to the field of adult and continuing education , in which the University offers a range of part-time degree , diploma and postgraduate courses together with a comprehensive programme of short courses .
6 ‘ Nuclear energy is one of the cleanest methods of generating electricity , ’ it states , ‘ and already makes a substantial contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the UK .
7 ‘ In the same way as a working person and a taxpayer makes a specific contribution to the upkeep of the national health system , so could a specific premium or tax be levied to support publicly funded legal services , ’ he said .
8 on balance credit is beneficial , since it makes a useful contribution to the living standards and the economic and social well-being of the majority of British people .
9 Geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels and therefore makes a negligible contribution to global warming .
10 The chemical industry makes a crucial contribution to our health and prosperity and to protection of the environment .
11 The Commons , by its elected status , associates the people with the government , and thus makes a major contribution to legitimacy , a concept essential for government by consent .
12 By avoiding simplistic assumptions about the united male medical profession manipulating supine female patients , she makes a major contribution to our understanding of a complex part of medical history .
13 Radio Ulster makes a major contribution to the week with TALK BACK , PUNTERS ' NIGHT , and several folk evenings .
14 As the University 's commercial arm , UnivEd not only makes a major contribution to the University 's finances , but also enhances Edinburgh 's position as an international centre of excellence in teaching and research .
15 Since Religious Education makes a major contribution to the life of the school it becomes particularly important that any curricular innovation is in accord with the aims of Religious Education in the Catholic School .
16 It is interesting that recent research has come to the same conclusions as Golding as to the usefulness of such modes of thought : The deployment of simile , underlexicalisation and metaphor thus makes a major contribution to the exposition of the novel 's thematic concern with the linked development of thought and language in the people .
17 makes a vital contribution to the nation 's economy , but must remain an exception to the general principle that the way to keep key workers at their posts is by reward and incentive .
18 The planning implications of this policy became clear in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 ( 1988 ) : ‘ Opencast coal can often be produced cheaply and profitably … ( it ) is also an integral part of British Coal 's overall production and makes a vital contribution to their finances … it is in the national interest to maximise production where that can be done in an environmentally acceptable way ’ .
19 Every teacher who seeks to raise pupils ' levels of attainment in another subject makes a valuable contribution to the teaching of English .
20 I agree with the first part of what my hon. Friend has said : nuclear power certainly makes a valuable contribution to the environment by curbing carbon dioxide emissions .
21 Yet in both its anti-art and anti-dada stages it makes a positive contribution to modern art .
22 The motivational system of the developing male makes a positive contribution to separation in these animals .
23 Frances 's past makes a vivid contribution to her present experience .
24 The optic tract projects to a number of anatomically distinct regions in the brainstem , each of which makes a unique contribution to visual function .
25 By virtue of its considerable size and its elevated site , the church makes a significant contribution to the townscape of Farnham 's ‘ east end ’ .
26 1.44 < 1.66 therefore accept null hypothesis ; i.e. no evidence to suggest that the technique makes a significant contribution to the recognition process within the domain of music .
27 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
28 It makes a significant contribution to the local economy through its generation of manufactured goods and the fact that its staff pay tax and national insurance .
29 His forthcoming book , ‘ Economic restructuring , state policies and regional crisis ’ , makes a significant contribution to the analysis of the connections between sectoral and spatial change .
30 The volume and speed of traffic not only creates a sense of danger but makes a significant contribution to noise and air pollution .
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