Example sentences of "held together [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Shaking a match out involves a lot of rattling and scratching about , before he lights the turd using two matches held together for a brighter flare .
2 It is held together with a cryptic seal showing a human eye , a large X with peck marks round it and the words ‘ a return ’ written underneath .
3 Joe left the shop blushing and as soon as he was safely away from it , gave the brown paper parcel to an old woman who shuffled along , her worn shoes held together with a large safety pin .
4 His pay packet was there unopened and he did n't open it now but paid for his round from a wad of notes held together with an elastic band .
5 The youth market , which had been held together in a fragile unity , fragmented : on the one hand into Teenybop , on the other into the Underground .
6 As a result , the particles are held together in a definite volume .
7 In The Division of Labour primitive and industrial societies were contrasted , since each was held together in a different way and by a distinctive kind of social glue .
8 Ramshackle , held together by a thousand personalised special arrangements , a state existed , still , in the ninth century , capable of being operated by a skilful king .
9 In a complex web of mystifying deals , Hibs were held together by a financial structure which in the space of a few years involved a local bookmaker , an English based company with extensive leisure interests in the west country and a company registered in Panama called Charcoal Holdings .
10 Any community is held together by a complex web of achievement , responsibility and loyalty .
11 This is , of course , to start many hares ; while it would be foolish to try to pursue them all in any one study , the concept of a stream of work , held together by a common focus on the effects of organizational difference and permitting the exploration of particular issues as they arise , is a daunting but attractive prospect .
12 This may be contrasted with a moral or rule-based association which is not held together by a common purpose but merely by the authority of common practices .
13 A discipline that is structurally diverse , and consists of a loosely related collection of sub-fields might nevertheless be held together by a common ethos or set of norms , attitudes and habits ; even by a common style .
14 Clark Kerr put it aptly enough in his famous observation that the ‘ multiversity ’ , as he called it , had become ‘ a series of individual faculty entrepreneurs held together by a common grievance over parking ’ .
15 Society comes to resemble ‘ a constellation of governments , rather than an association of individuals held together by a single government ’ .
16 The loading bay had old roll-across galvanised doors , twisted and battered out of shape and just about held together by a new-looking chain sheathed in blue plastic .
17 In striking contrast , modern industrial societies were characterized by heterogeneity , and were held together by a superior bonding principle which , following the centuries ' old analogy between the body-politic and the human organism , Durkheim chose to call ‘ organic solidarity ’ .
18 It 's held together by an elastic band which has two ballpoint pens clamped under it .
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