Example sentences of "long way to go before [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A Union of Democratic Forces spokesman , Mr Georgi Spassov , said : ‘ This demonstrates that we have a long way to go before we have true democracy in Bulgaria . ’
2 The immediate political crisis had been averted , but there was still a long , long way to go before we could claim victory .
3 Sadly one has to conclude , if the illustrations of lessons reported in the published text are anything to go by ( and one can hardly conceive that the team held back good lessons ) then we still have a long way to go before we can claim with confidence that drama on the curriculum guarantees good education .
4 So it is clear we have a long way to go before we can store up all the experiences of humankind .
5 ‘ We have a long way to go before we are able to record and translate accurately such imprints of ourselves left behind in the void of time .
6 ‘ There is a long way to go before we break down the ‘ them up at Salisbury ’ attitude . ’
7 ‘ There 's a long way to go before we break down the ‘ them up at Salisbury attitude ’
8 Only in the last few years have real efforts been made to equalize provision for different groups of the disabled and there is still a long way to go before we can claim to have adequate social security in this area .
9 This leads me to believe that the questions surrounding male/female relationships are not simple , and we have a long way to go before we can simply pursue the ‘ if only men would ’ formula .
10 In spite of very real gains in knowledge , there is a long way to go before we can fully understand why one person is more likely to become mentally ill than another .
11 There is still an awful long way to go before we can start talking Premierships .
12 Det Insp Gordon Williams added : ‘ We still have a long way to go before we reach our target .
13 In an ideal world we would be recycling and re-using everything , but this is n't possible and we have a long way to go before we can turn all our waste into a resource .
14 But markets provide useful competition with local banks , which have a long way to go before they learn to allocate capital efficiently .
15 Unfortunately , as this book points out , some of the alternatives may look good on paper but they have a long way to go before they can match the tokamak .
16 The Welsh lads have a long way to go before they match that sort of consistency , but it only needs one to become a permanent fixture for everything to change .
17 Others , focusing on issues such as the inequality in the wages paid to men and women or the violence that women receive at men 's hands , argue that women still have a long way to go before they are fully liberated .
18 At present , we are the only party prepared to grasp the nettle and to recognise that consumers ' interests require both effective competition in the marketplace — the Government have a long way to go before they create that — and effective regulation where the market can not produce a solution .
19 And no matter how fresh the lads might get they 'll have a long way to go before they reach your handling , wo n't they , Andrew ? ’
20 Actors explain that although ’ Family Pride ’ sets a good precedent , there is still a long way to go before they get more mainstream parts .
21 Being a mere apprentice was boring and carried no cachet , and Lydia was dauntedly aware that she had a long way to go before she achieved the skills and ease of perfection .
22 ‘ But I rather think my modest , high-minded , fastidious , idealistic wife has a long way to go before she qualifies for that description . ’
23 Gemma 's got a long way to go before she gets to eighty
24 The manner of Biggs 's defeat was to say the least surprising and on this evidence Mason has still a long way to go before he can think of himself as a genuine contender for the world championship .
25 The day left Anselm in possession of the pastoral staff , but there was still a long way to go before he was a fully consecrated archbishop .
26 Mister Grant has a long way to go before he will fully recover from his injuries .
27 Nevertheless , Mr Lamont has a long way to go before he can recover the confidence of Scottish business leaders .
28 Er and that is , that is one of the problems within the flats , that having got , once got into the complex you might have quite a long way to go before you actually find where you 're going .
29 You 've got a long way to go before you can set up on your own .
30 ‘ I 've got a long way to go before I 'm thirty , ’ she 'd say .
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