Example sentences of "so long as [pers pn] remain " in BNC.

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1 It is , however , often claimed that there is a qualified obligation to obey the law , based on the authority of governments in just regimes , for so long as they remain just .
2 The macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form is that it is just such another structure ; that the structural change lies in making labour the employer of capital rather than , as at present capital the employer of labour ; that such a change would fuse the interests of ownership and labour , interests which so long as they remain separate must also remain ultimately opposed ; and that , because relations among co-operatives and between producers and providers on the one hand , and consumers and users on the other would be determined by the operation of a free competitive market , the workers in each co-operative will be exposed to its imperative discipline .
3 Or , to put it the other way round , affines only remain friends so long as they remain affines ; they are bonded together by political alliance rather than by common substance , and , if the parties concerned want to maintain that alliance , they must repeatedly reaffirm that bonding by the appropriate exchange of imperishable valuables of a visible and identifiable kind .
4 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
5 In Lambert v. Lewis ( 1981 H.L. ) Lord Diplock said that the condition of fitness for purpose was a continuing obligation ‘ that the goods will continue to be fit for that purpose for a reasonable time after delivery , so long as they remain in the same apparent state and condition as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear . ’
6 All members of the company ( though not its secretary ) must be qualified solicitors , and there are special provisions to apply when a member dies or is struck off the roll or otherwise loses his qualification to practise , which in essence provide that such member 's shares become non-voting so long as they remain registered in unqualified hands , and only qualified solicitors will be able to vote as proxies .
7 It was to be the stumbling block ; for if the Emperor abandoned the Clauses he would antagonize Britain , while so long as they remained , Russia would not respond to his requests for an alliance .
8 Most commonly young women entered , and so long as they remained unmarried , stayed in domestic service .
9 However , so long as we remain in the Community , Parliament has effectively handed over a number of functions that it has traditionally fulfilled .
10 ‘ We are very comfortable at Government House and Lady Franklin will not hear of our going from it so long as we remain in town .
11 But we can not explain why this is always objectionable , so long as we remain on the plane of justice as I have defined it .
12 Should he go too far , the only repercussion , so long as he remains powerful , is for some of the village members to leave the village .
13 Wright — so long as he remained in exile — could write what he liked .
14 He knew he was safe so long as he remained in the kitchen .
15 Hodge did not deem Rhee essential to a future government but so long as he remained one of the few nationally known leaders , his cooperation was required .
16 Held , dismissing the appeal , that on the plain words of section 2(1) ( a ) of the Rent Act 1977 a statutory tenant enjoyed that status so long as he remained in occupation of the dwelling house as his residence , and , therefore , the defendant had remained a statutory tenant after the possession order had been made ; that since she was neither a statutorily protected nor an excluded tenant within the meaning of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 she was entitled to the protection of section 3 of that Act and could not lawfully be removed from the premises until the possession order had been executed in accordance with rules of court ; that since the only method of enforcement provided by the County Court Rules 1981 was by execution of a possession warrant in accordance with Ord. 26 , r. 17 , the plaintiff was not entitled to re-enter by other means ; and that , accordingly , the defendant was entitled to damages for unlawful eviction under section 27 of the Act of 1988 ( post , pp. 879B , 881D–E , G–H , 882A–B , B–C , 883C–E ) .
17 He believed that so long as he remained in the Government the Press attacks would continue and that his supposedly malevolent influence would be blamed for every failure .
18 The tsar had been enthusiastic about change so long as he remained in the orbit of Elena Pavlovna , but in St Petersburg his convictions or his courage deserted him .
19 So long as it remains in this room , he wrote , it is not finished .
20 The same section further provides that ‘ … any enactment passed or to be passed … shall be construed and have effect subject to the foregoing … ’ and since the doctrine of supremacy of Community law is arguably a part of Community law this provision appears to have the effect , so long as it remains law , of establishing the primacy of Community law , ( s.2 ( 4 ) ) .
21 British law in this area is roughly based on the liberal precept that immorality may only be tolerated so long as it remains a wholly private matter .
22 10.7.10 The rights and licences hereby granted or agreed to be granted to a Non-academic Party pursuant to Clauses 10.7.2 b to 10.7.6 shall be exercisable on identical terms by any Related company of that Party for so long as it remains such , subject to the obtaining from such companies of suitable undertakings as to confidence and delivery up .
23 I 'm willing therefore to call it ‘ A Lakeland Circuit ’ , so long as it remains merely ‘ a ’ circuit and does not become ‘ the ’ circuit .
24 So long as it remains within 8″ of its regiment during the game , the detachment may take any leadership-based tests on the leadership value of the parent regiment , including any bonuses that apply for standards , magic items , and so forth .
25 In the case of a private company , a pre-1982 pre-emptive requirement is to be treated as if it were in its memorandum or articles so long as it remains a private company .
26 Hence section 252 provides that a private company ( whether or not small or medium-sized ) may elect ( by elective resolution in accordance with section 379A ) to dispense with the laying of accounts , and this dispensation applies in respect of the financial year in which the election is made and to subsequent financial years so long as it remains in force .
27 Clearly , this must be the case so long as it remains the only easily available platform for interactive multimedia .
28 His head was cut off , buried on Tower Hill facing France in the belief that so long as it remained there , Britain would be safe from invasion .
29 BEATRIX : You ca n't , so long as you remain as pig-headed as you have been all your life .
30 " Well , so long as you remain at mine , I think the rest could be managed .
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