Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] doubted that " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , it can not be doubted that indiscriminate bombing of cities helped to prepare the ( a ) moral climate in which the atomic bomb could be used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
2 It can not be doubted that the post-war black migrations have been of considerable economic benefit to Britain , just as the migrations from North Africa , Turkey , Greece and Italy have boosted the economies of Western Europe .
3 Even if this analysis is open to question at some points , it can not be doubted that some such metaphorical sense is the most natural one ( within the same writing as our text , Yahweh 's " ways " are clearly his " way of life " or " moral administration " at Isa 55.8 , 9 ) .
4 It can not be doubted that the constable was ‘ on duty ’ when he stopped the cyclist , and he was no doubt under some sort of obligation to stop the cyclist to enable him to bring the defendant before the court ultimately .
5 It can not be doubted that the Western emperors were , like the popes , sincere in their desire to exercise power justly .
6 This kind of ability is both envied and disparaged by many Continental musicians , and it can not be doubted that professional English singers often perform music which they have not had time to ‘ learn ’ in any sense of the term that a European singer would accept .
7 Okay er , according to Darwin , and here I quote , in infants long before birth , says Darwin , the skins on the soles of the feet is thicker than on any other part of the body , and it can hardly be doubted that this is due to the inherited effects of pressure during a long series of generations .
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