Example sentences of "will seek [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The contract will therefore seek : 1 to define the client 's obligations and , so far as possible , to minimise them ; 2 to define the scope of the contract by defining which statements form part of it ; 3 to minimise the scope for variation of the contract duties , by defining the authority of the client 's representatives to make statements binding on it , or to vary the contract ; 4 to minimise the likelihood of the client being in breach of contract , by defining the client 's obligations in flexible terms : for instance , the quantity of goods to be delivered may be subject to tolerances ; or the contract may provide for the time for delivery to be extended in certain situations ; 5 to minimise the extent of the client 's liability for any breach it commits : for instance , by excluding liability for certain kinds of loss , or by placing a financial ceiling on liability ; 6 to define the obligations of the client 's trading partners ; 7 to define the consequences of non-performance by the client 's trading partners ; 8 to provide machinery to encourage prompt performance by the client 's trading partners : for instance , a seller may require interest on late payments , or offer discounts for early payment ; a buyer may contract for the right to withhold payment until satisfactory performance ; 9 to allow the client to use procedurally simple enforcement methods : for instance , terms of sale should be drafted so as to allow the seller to bring a liquidated claim for the price of the goods ; 10 to provide the client with security against non-performance by its trading partners : thus terms of sale are likely to seek to provide the seller with security against non-payment , for instance by means of a retention of title clause ; terms of purchase will seek to minimise the buyer 's exposure by allowing some or all of the price to be retained against satisfactory performance .
2 On all known form , campaigners , opinion-formers and politicians themselves will engage in polarising rhetoric rather than genuine debate , particularly since amendments by pro-life campaigners will seek to yoke the issue of abortion to the question of embryo experimentation .
3 A united management means it is less likely that disaffected family members will seek to realise the value of their shareholdings ; their financial and political clout should improve as each of the families ceases attempts to undermine the other 's access to finance for expansion , and ; two separate distribution networks working together should mean the companies can gain additional contracts from non-competitive brand names .
4 What follows is that Toyota , Nissan and the others will seek to eliminate the weaknesses in their overseas production .
5 It will seek to explain the rise of , persistence of , and limitations upon police legitimacy , to analyse the policeman 's perception of his role in society , and to investigate how this perception informed police practice at both senior officer and lower rank level .
6 This essay will seek to explain the nature of that problem .
7 The research will seek to clarify the influences that lead to this .
8 The research will seek to answer the question , ‘ Why are certain goods within a society identified as luxuries , and what purposes , if any , are served by such identifications ? ’
9 I think colleagues on this side will seek to press the minister even further on the latest developments in France and indeed what influence we can have to make sure that if we pass these orders today , they do become the basis of the European elections .
10 The purchaser will seek to allow the management of the vendor company as little latitude as possible in the preparation of the completion accounts and will be seeking to ensure that past practices which have no doubt been adventageous for the vendor can not be used .
11 In a bizarre twist in the saga of the failure of Supercomputer Systems Inc , the company last week announced that it had abandoned efforts to find new investors to keep the company alive — and then Steve Chen immediately announced that he was forming a new company that will seek to create the world 's fastest computer .
12 That we will seek to refurbish the homes which will cost least to refurbish , first .
13 It will seek to test the hypothesis that the unintended consequences of de-regulation in this industry may be revealing pressures for a major re-regulatory realignment between industry and government .
14 The vendor will seek to reduce the risk by making disclosures and limiting its liability for breach of warranty .
15 This will seek to make the sites more cost effective and see the application of ‘ entrepreneurial ’ skills to what was seen in 1883 as a scientific data base .
16 Finally , the study will seek to relate the findings to current proposals concerning the future of common lands in England and Wales .
17 This is to be done by a questionnaire which will seek to identify the channels through which jobs are sought , the number of firms approached and the wages expected and gained .
18 A Labour Government will seek to double the numbers of those benefiting from higher education over the next 20 years .
19 Although most investment managers will seek to run the portfolio on a discretionary basis , it is vital to be convinced that they will try to meet your particular needs for capital appreciation or income .
20 We will seek to privatise the Docklands Light Railway during the lifetime of the next Parliament .
21 A long-term socio-economic programme in areas where small farms predominate will seek to encourage the amalgamation of small farms into more viable units to correct the age balance and encourage young people to stay on or come into farming in remote areas .
22 Mrs J 's MP will seek to raise the issue in the Commons to close a gap in the law which leaves elderly people open to financial abuse .
23 It is hoped the Forum will broker an average of £1m new projects a year in the first three years and will seek to raise the profile of the industry through international events and through press coverage .
24 Analyses of demand factors will seek to show the extent to which small firms are dependent upon the local economy , and what difficulties they may experience in selling beyond their immediate locality .
25 On January 21st it forwarded to NCR written requests from owners of 51% of the shares for a special shareholders ' meeting , at which AT&T will seek to oust the NCR board .
26 Finally , the investigators will seek to enhance the utility of the approach by eliciting the reactions of a group of interested scientists and policymakers to a range of different methods for presenting co-word findings .
27 It becomes irrelevant that the two divisions are part of one company ; each division will seek to find the volume of trade that maximises its profits , and this will not affect the other division .
28 Following the experiences of the dockers in the summer , Labour will seek to limit the opportunity of employers to seek interlocutory injunctions to stop strikes which have been endorsed by lawful ballots .
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