Example sentences of "will go [adv] far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I will go so far as to concede that taken in isolation , ripped away from the defining context of humour and irony and friendship , studied in their literal or surface sense only , then , yes , the words I spoke in that room as Robert stood at the window pretending to take me seriously could be understood to mean that during the past six or seven years I had gone to bed with more than one hundred and fifty prostitutes .
2 In particularly weak cases the conciliation officer will go so far as to advise the applicant to withdraw the claim .
3 The best Ford simulator yet , in fact I will go so far as to say that they could not bring another one out to top this one .
4 ‘ A good manager and record company has to explain this will go so far and stop . ’
5 A man will go so far and then he will snap .
6 We have , therefore , to consider why marriages effectively end , as well as why couples will go as far as to go to the courts to legally separate , and what social factors underlie the responses to changes in legislation .
7 John d'Ancona , who has been OSO 's director-general for 12 years , doubts if it will go as far as the creation of a series of OSO clones operating under the DTI umbrella to deal with specific industrial sectors .
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