Example sentences of "been hailed as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since then Stravinsky 's work has been hailed as a masterpiece .
2 Richard Foster 's Celebration of Discipline has been hailed as a best-seller and huge numbers attended his lectures on spirituality at the Greenbelt Festival '83 .
3 DARLINGTON 'S Railside Revival scheme has been hailed as a blueprint for future development programmes which will enhance the whole trackside network .
4 A body builder who tackled two armed raiders single-handed , after chasing them through the streets in his car has been hailed as a hero .
5 TEESSIDE 'S first purpose built university college has been hailed as a boost for the area by Education Secretary Kenneth Clarke .
6 The decision in Morgan has been hailed as a turning-point in English criminal law , inasmuch as the House of Lords resoundingly affirmed the subjective principle of guilt .
7 The book has been hailed as a benchmark in the debate on communication and social transformation .
8 This has been hailed as a key to managing increasingly complex organizations .
9 The jail is less than a year old and has been hailed as a model prison .
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