Example sentences of "has risen [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our level of ambition has risen with the success of ‘ Thumping Good Read ’ , and we want this campaign to be trendsetting and generate the kind of sales that would prompt publishers to alter their practices . ’
2 Their potential importance has risen with the emphasis that the 1990 NHS Act has given to consumer-responsiveness .
3 It is said on the river that a Thames barge , once she has risen with the tide , never sinks completely .
4 After a few minutes , use a slotted spoon to remove the beige scum that has risen to the surface .
5 Ever since its first exhibition in 1948 , which brought works by De Chirico , Man Ray , Picasso , Francis Bacon and others to the public attention , the ICA has risen to the challenge of supporting the innovative or the unfamiliar with considerable energy .
6 Bonn 's cultural life should nevertheless be enhanced by its new Kunst-und-Ausstellungshalle , an exhibition complex which has risen on the site adjacent to the Stadtmuseum .
7 IAIN CRICHTON-SMITH also writes about the plight of the outsider , that of the officer who has risen through the ranks .
8 For example , last year alone , the University earned a total of four point nine million pounds from research grants and contracts , a figure which has risen despite the recession .
9 SPENDING on all sectors of education has risen under the Conservatives by 20 per cent in real terms , a study by the London School of Economics showed yesterday .
10 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
11 In the last decade or so the area has become fairly well known as the centre of production of red wine which has risen in the hierarchy of wines of Languedoc : it should achieve further fame for its ponts naturels .
12 Although the proportion of GNP taken in tax has risen in the UK since the early 1970s , the UK is , in comparative terms , only a middle-ranked country in terms of tax-take , with tax ( excluding community charge ) amounting to 35.2% of GNP in 1990 .
13 Warlow pointed out , quite correctly , that this is not the sort of inversion we should be looking at : if the Earth flipped over in this way the Sun would still rise in the east , whereas there are legends that , before the ( undescribed ) catastrophe , the Sun rose in the west , and that it is only since that catastrophe that the Sun has risen in the east .
14 He replied , ‘ Like one who has risen in the morning and does not know whether he will be dead in the evening . ’
15 Apple Computer , the Cinderella company that has risen from the backyard to a worldwide name in six years , is going to give a computer to every public and private school in the state — that 's about 10 000 computers with a retail value of almost $20 million .
16 The first woman controller of Radio 2 has risen from the BBC typing pool , where she started 32 years ago .
17 But in the past few years a phoenix has risen from the flames of Lakehurst .
18 THE MOWER Of Deth has risen from the Earth to spread terror in outer space .
19 THE MOWER Of Deth has risen from the Earth to spread terror in outer space .
20 A new self has risen from the ashes of the old body .
21 THE landmark spire of Colmcille Roman Catholic church in Holywood has risen from the ashes of the fire which virtually destroyed it four years ago .
22 Situated on the coastline of Omura Bay near the City of Nagasaki , the town of Huis ten Bosch covers an area of 1.5 million square metres and has risen from the ground in less than eight years .
23 Narasimha Rao , has risen near the top of Indian politics by pushing a militant Hindu-nationalist line .
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