Example sentences of "she saw [art] little [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table ( ‘ I 'm sure it was n't here before , ’ said Alice ) .
2 Suddenly far above her head she saw a little shaft of light .
3 She jumped back with a startled squeak , but Bridhe laughed ; and then she saw the little girl who had slipped in under her arm to comfort the baby .
4 But when she saw the little girl , she cried in surprise , ‘ Matthew , who 's that ?
5 She saw the little mouse lying dead in its corner covered in dust .
6 She saw the little procession of horsemen climbing the ramp towards Parfois , and crept up through the trees to see more closely , for it seemed to her that the middle figure of the five was bound , and one of those who rode beside him led his horse by the bridle .
7 It was as they stepped from the dodgem stand and Rachel turned from helping Belinda down the steep steps to the grass that she saw the little group of her family watching them .
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