Example sentences of "they reach the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We believe it will help to stop children becoming lager louts when they reach the right age to be allowed to drink . ’
2 But even here the story does not end , for after fifteen or twenty years , the urge to breed and migrate once again comes upon them and down to the river mouths they proceed , slithering over wet meadows by night until they reach the greater river , lying up by day in damp holes , enough water remaining in their gills to enable them to breath .
3 Mobility for women who make up 45 per cent of the labour force involves little choice once they reach the 25–30 age group when they are expected to take temporary retirement into marriage .
4 A snaking black corridor takes the audience along to claim their prizes , and they reach the final chamber to claim a glass of Guinness .
5 ONE in three schoolchildren in Wales has experimented at least once with drugs by the time they reach the fifth form , a conference heard yesterday .
6 This means that students must be able to achieve and demonstrate success in Compact terms by the time they reach the compulsory school leaving age at the end of the fifth year of secondary education .
7 Hedging plants are usually cut back to half their height after planting to encourage bushiness , but some conifers are best left unpruned until they reach the desired height .
8 By the time they reach the secondary school , the majority of children will have developed their own style of handwriting .
9 Just before they reach the flowering stage — earlier if you need the land for another crop — chop them down , allow them to wilt for a few hours then plough or dig them in .
10 A draw at Fratton Park has increased Middlesbrough 's fixture pile-up , especially as the Cambridge United home match will be postponed if they reach the sixth round .
11 Puffins leaving their homes join it immediately and travel round within it until they reach the seaward side and relative safety .
12 The reasons are the same ; the valleyside torrents are checked when they reach the main valley floor and aggradation takes place , the fan shape usually resulting from the stream shifting its course from time to time .
13 Cornish people of southwestern England believe souls progress through various stages , reducing in size each time until they reach the last stage of the cycle before passing to Heaven or Hell .
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