Example sentences of "they be at [art] mercy " in BNC.

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1 Making the means of production into private property leads to exploitation , for if people have no access to the means of production they are at the mercy of those who do .
2 With that relationship gone , they are at the mercy of more laws and more political meddling .
3 With that relationship gone , they are at the mercy of more laws and more political meddling .
4 Without the anchor of personal conviction they are at the mercy of every ebb and flow of opinion .
5 And most single people and er most young people in particular , fall outside that definition and that means that they really have no access to council housing of any kind and er they also find it very hard to get into the private rented sector , because of er the fact that 's it 's er , the rents are so high , and , and therefore they are at the mercy of erm basically the well , well loosely what one could describe as the bad landlords , the sharks , who will er exploit their situation .
6 But of course it 's , it 's a very tough deal for women , I mean women in erm in a way really get the raw end of it because that to some extent they 're at the mercy of the whole system , even though they can if they absolutely have to .
7 The situation that , that a lot of people find themselves in nowadays , now er council housing is no longer available to an awful lot of people , is that they 're at the mercy of private landlords , and in order to have any kind of home they have to go along this sort of conditions and rent levels laid down by private landlords .
8 Theoretically , every person was subject to the whim of the sultan , which in practice meant they were at the mercy of his capricious subordinates .
9 Since the State virtually abdicated all responsibility for their welfare , they were at the mercy of their masters .
10 While they were at the mercy of erratic weather or changes in the migration routes of reindeer , so that they might suffer famine from time to time , they were generally well fed , more or less comfortably adapted to their environment , and enjoyed a surplus of resources sufficient to allow expenditure of time on the decoration of clothing and utensils on story-telling and dancing .
11 Moreover , although their constitutional and political position depended on their new relationship to " the people " they were not instructed delegates of their constituents any more than they were at the mercy of the party whips in the Commons .
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