Example sentences of "not simply [art] matter [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Religion is not an individualistic affair ; it is not something that concerns a man in isolation from his fellow men ; it is not simply a matter for the individual soul seeking release , or mok a , from the endless cycle of birth , death and rebirth , or sa sāra .
2 ‘ It is not simply a matter of buying a spool and catching millions of fish , ’ Chilton said , ‘ but the more skilful and forward-thinking anglers are developing its use all the time .
3 It was not simply a matter of exporting enough to pay for necessary imports , as contemporary economic propaganda often suggested .
4 For example , the law of supply and demand , as it operated in nineteenth-century England , he argues , was not simply a matter of eternal logic , nor were such rights as that of private property self-evident truths , but rather they were the product of particular historical circumstances .
5 For him the reworking of familiar images is not simply a matter of drawing attention to the way in which mass-reproduction numbs the optic nerves , by shocking the spectator with a moustached Mona Lisa , but rather , using a peculiar blend of both iconoclasm and a sort of wry homage , of investigating the power of certain images , particularly those which have national resonance .
6 Yet it was not simply a matter of proposing ; the policy was soon enough carried out .
7 This is the really important point , it is not simply a matter of getting the information onto film , it must then be used to bring about a change .
8 It is not simply a matter of the harm done by passive smoking but it is an accepted fact that the children of smokers are far more likely to adopt the habit themselves .
9 It is not simply a matter of firing a dozen or so casters into the swim every few minutes ; it is a case of knowing just when to step up the feed , when to slow it down , and when to cease feeding altogether .
10 It suggests , surely that the job of curriculum management is not simply a matter of trying to insert new ideas into old systems as rapidly and painlessly as possible , but has a number of levels or dimensions , for example :
11 Exercise can also lower the setpoint , ‘ and it is not simply a matter of burning more calories or raising the metabolism ’ .
12 In days gone by flogging was not simply a matter of being whipped or beaten with a variety of canes — the pizzle was also available as an instrument of punishment .
13 It was he that realised that if solutions to deteriorating road safety were to be sought in terms of the physical environment for traffic , it was not simply a matter of improving roads , but of redesigning whole road systems :
14 It is not simply a matter of quality or justice .
15 He has brought a profound influence to bear on the belief that preventing illness is not simply a matter of treating the individual .
16 It is not simply a matter of a verbal profession but of whole-hearted , life-yielding response .
17 To be ‘ on guard ’ under such circumstances is not simply a matter of standing rigidly to attention , brandishing a suitably ferocious weapon .
18 For him , the first question is , ‘ By what criteria do we come to locate or mislocate sensations as being in some sense of ‘ in ’ in the right knee or in the pit of the stomach ? ’ , as though it were obviously not simply a matter of having the sensation in a certain place .
19 However , the learning of the language is not simply a matter of being deaf , since those who become deaf later in life very seldom achieve a fluency in BSL which allows them to be accepted within the community .
20 Therefore , the analysis of hearing people 's skills in BSL is not simply a matter of eliciting deaf people 's views on hearing BSL users , but must take into account a societal element not apparent in the evaluation of skills in , say , french .
21 The world 's economic relation to Europe has already been touched on ; it was not simply a matter of one-way domination .
22 Clearly , returning IBM to a position of financial leadership is not simply a matter of reducing personnel .
23 The variation in people 's need for support , and in the capacity of relatives to provide it , is not simply a matter of demography or the force of economic circumstances .
24 It was not simply a matter of switching the definitions of crime from what the working class do to what the capitalist class do ( that would merely be a transitional strategy ) ; in the socialist society both upper- and lower-class crime would disappear since there would be ‘ a set of social arrangements in which there would be no politically , economically and socially-induced need to criminalise deviance ’ ( Taylor , Walton and Young , 1973 , p. 270 ) .
25 Voluntary cooperation and consensus formation is not simply a matter of agreeing national objectives , it relates to the display of consensus in everyday activities .
26 It was not simply a matter of avoiding the dangers of under-utilizing capital equipment , but also avoiding any unnecessary increase in the recruitment of regular labour .
27 This is not simply a matter of those aspects of women 's sexual lives that are so often cited in evidence as disqualifying women from running the affairs of nations , or even from running a small business : menstruation and premenstrual tension ; conception , pregnancy and childbirth ; lactation and child-care .
28 CCT is not simply a matter of putting out services to private contractors .
29 The overwhelming body of evidence for Britain and the United States is that such ties are maintained after marriage and that this is not simply a matter of recognizing connections at Christmas and birthdays plus occasional visits or telephone conversations .
30 But further it must be said , in response to the conservative position , that it was not simply a matter of whim or chance that women were not in the past ordained .
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