Example sentences of "at least [prep] the extent " in BNC.

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1 They should be aware at least of the extent of variation among Englishes , and distinguish between the linguistic adequacy of a variety and the social evaluation of it .
2 Perhaps this is the mode of transgression denied to the hermaphrodite , at least to the extent that s/he is associated with the mythological , the presocial , the transcendent .
3 This , as argued here before , is the one question capable of splitting the Tory Party , at least to the extent of creating factions with a passionate attachment to their prejudices , and no great reluctance to insist on them even at the cost of deep party division .
4 This does not gainsay the fundamental proposition that it is every citizen 's duty to retain self-control — at least to the extent of not violating other people 's interests — but it does open the way to a manslaughter verdict and to sentences which are rarely longer than eight years ' imprisonment ( less than half as long as the time served by many convicted of murder ) and may be considerably shorter .
5 For this time there were others who shared in that dream , at least to the extent of wanting friendship between England and Scotland .
6 In one case in 1944 , Scott LJ stated that the ‘ British principle of personal freedom , that every man should be presumed innocent until he is proved guilty , applies also to the police function of arrest — in a very modified degree , it is true , but at least to the extent of requiring them to be observant , receptive and open-minded and to notice any relevant circumstance which points either way , either to innocence or to guilt ’ .
7 But the records suggest that the hard school of child rearing prevailed , at least to the extent that there was not too much sympathy for youngsters who were not entirely happy with their foster parents .
8 Acts of the old Scottish Parliament were apparently ( although this has been questioned ) subject to the doctrine of desuetude and that Parliament was thus not sovereign at least to the extent that its Acts could lose force otherwise than by repeal by it .
9 The UK and the USA are technically correct in indicating that this protocol does not apply to nuclear weapons — at least to the extent that this has been their clearly declared position throughout the negotiations , and the International Committee of the Red Cross had accepted that the negotiations did not deal with atomic , biological and chemical warfare ( Collier , 1979 , pp. 21–32 ) .
10 And finally , the professional " student " of English is actually elevated above authors , at least to the extent that hindsight ( like death ) enables not only the making of a complete and final assessment , but also the development of a historical understanding which was beyond the comprehension of the historical actors themselves .
11 The term is chosen to indicate that liability is strict , at least to the extent that proof of intent or recklessness is not required .
12 I think there is a moral obligation on the E C , not necessarily the Americans because it is a European problem , to intervene at least to the extent of ensuring protection for ordinary civilians and ensuring that they get food and medical s provision .
13 It was not until the crisis of late August 1939 , when the Nazi-Soviet pact was announced , clearly foreshadowing the impending attack on Poland , that the Labour Party and the movement at large shook off its hostility to the government at least to the extent of supporting , and in the crisis of early September demanding , an early declaration of war .
14 The European Council Directive on the legal protection of computer programs recognizes that programming languages , at least to the extent that they comprise ideas and principles , should not be protected by copyright .
15 This suggests that the maxims do indeed derive from general considerations of rationality applicable to all kinds of cooperative exchanges , and if so they ought in addition to have universal application , at least to the extent that other , culture-specific , constraints on interaction allow .
16 But do you feel it ought to be a free market erm situation , at least to the extent that anyone can move into any area they wish to provided they could find a place to live ?
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