Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to account [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A correction factor consequently needed to be applied to account for the ‘ missing ’ output — relative to the total output of the Scotch Whisky industry .
2 It included also the description of those specialized features of morphology and physiology that distinguish species and might ( often by more or less inspired guesswork ) be said to account for the differences in their distribution .
3 In this sense science is not a sociological category ( i.e. one that can be used to describe specific social forms ) nor is it an epistemological category ( i.e. one that can be used to account for the form or validity of knowledge ) .
4 Unlike the subject-predicate distinction , the notions of theme and rheme can be used to account for the acceptability ( rather than grammaticality ) of a given sequence in a given context .
5 Deffenbacher ( 1983 ) reviewed the literature available on the relationship between emotional arousal and eyewitness testimony and concluded that the results were consistent with the idea that the general inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance could be used to account for the memory findings .
6 The theory can be used to account for the gas laws described above .
7 The fundamental equation ( 12 ) of the kinetic theory can be used to account for the ideal gas equation
8 Conversely , many headquarters staff saw those in the field as too narrowly concerned with the running of their own prison establishments , and resistant to any suggestion that they should be called to account for the extent to which they implemented nationally agreed policies .
9 Each minister has departmental responsibility and can be called to account for the working of his department before parliament ; if incompetence or maladministration be proved then the minister will be called upon to resign either by the Prime Minister or by the direct action of parliament .
10 Most industry regulators would regard it as fundamental that a member may be called to account for the conduct of its registered traders .
11 ‘ We both thought he 'd be called to account in the end .
12 Twenty years ago the Watergate crisis proved that even the most powerful man in the world could be brought to account by the people and their representatives in the Press and courts .
13 Because the N-linked oligosaccharides synthesised in the presence of DNJ contain maximally four sugar residues more than those synthesised in the presence of DMJ , most of the 13 potential N-glycosylation sites on the Β 1 protein have to be glycosylated to account for the difference in molecular weight between the β 1 chains in DMJ and DNJ treated cells .
14 Again continental drift may be held to account for the remarkable similarity of the Upper Carboniferous ( Pennsylvanian ) Coal Measures on both sides of what one of the airlines now likes to call the " Atlantic River " .
15 TV became both an arena in which political discussion is carried on , like the House of Commons or a party meeting , and simultaneously a medium in which politicians could be held to account before the people .
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