Example sentences of "on [noun sg] exports [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Dutch market , which like Denmark 's is export driven , only more so , and is heavily reliant on bacon exports to the UK , began a rise at the end of June , but last week prices dropped 7% and the fall looks like continuing .
2 This is obviously having a detrimental effect on textile exports from the region .
3 Ripa Di Meana said that the Commission was also considering effecting ( i ) a total ban on waste exports from the EC ; ( ii ) severe restrictions on waste movements between the EC countries ; and ( iii ) a ban on the dumping of raw sewage into the sea .
4 An accord on food provision in 1992 had been signed on Nov. 5 between the 12 republics , banning restrictions on food exports from the republics , and delegating the conclusion of agreements on purchasing food from foreign states to the IEC .
5 He strengthened American forces in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf ; stepped up military aid to Pakistan ; imposed an embargo on wheat exports to the Soviet Union ; and called for a boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games of 1980 .
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