Example sentences of "order [to-vb] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Second World War it was protected by the government which , in order to preserve part of the national heritage , transferred a group of White Parks to the famous King Ranch in Texas , USA .
2 UK filmmakers abandoned their innovations with film narrative , producing instead dull , static recordings of theatrical productions in order to secure pictures of the required length .
3 Despite his decreased speed , he had to squint against the onrush of the slipstream buffeting through the ragged hole before him , in order to catch sight of the other car .
4 Is it worth killing off the unsuccessful part in order to concentrate resources on the successful side ?
5 On July 26 , Cabinet ministers announced that a new committee would review the financial benefits that the previous government had made available in order to encourage settlement in the occupied territories .
6 This enables the National Central Control to supplement supplies coming ashore in order to meet demands during the coldest of winter days .
7 A magnetic field ( the Flux ) is generated by these heads in order to write information to the magnetic coating on the floppy disk .
8 In 1976 the Labour Government was forced to impose curbs on public expenditure in order to obtain assistance from the International Monetary Fund .
9 Instead , bloated catalogues bulged with inferior stock and works which properly belonged in the routine day sales and had been promoted in order to provide ballast for the smarter evening sessions .
10 The Commission could have put forward the first of these amendments separately from the Fifth Directive , and may have chosen its course in order to revive consideration of the Fifth Directive as a whole .
11 A short length of aerial wire ( not more than about three metres ) may be necessary in order to receive signals at the high frequency end of the medium waveband .
12 In order to allocate funding for the different categories of health care , RAWP had to produce indicators of relative need in the different regions of England and Wales .
13 The Labour Party is currently establishing Labour groups overseas in order to mobilise support for the forthcoming general election .
14 Just as project schools may have specified objectives in their proposals in order to win a grant , so the initiators of the project may themselves have chosen to word the project aims in a particular way in order to win funding in the first place .
15 It does work in order to resolve conflicts between the nine copies of Oedipus .
16 For our present purposes we should note that Lewis ' list , like Hymes ' , makes reference to the speaker and hearer in order to assign values to the deictic categories of speaker and audience ( addressor / addressee ) realised in first and second person pronouns .
17 For instance , if the directors of the smaller company have had to issue consideration shares at a significant discount to the market price in order to persuade shareholders of the larger company to accept the offer the minority may argue that not only have they been diluted unfairly but also that this has resulted in control passing into the hands of third parties and that they are , effectively , investors in an entirely different company without having been given the opportunity to accept an offer or exercise their rights of challenge under CA 1985 , s430C .
18 Alternatively , they submit that the injunction should be varied in order to give effect to the mandatory terms of section 39 , so as to permit the defendants to comply with the notice .
19 In order to give effect to the original intention of the Directive , the House of Lords held that the Regulations should be construed purposively and read as if after the words " immediately before the transfer " the following words were added " or would have been so employed at the time of the transfer if he had not been unfairly dismissed in the circumstances described in reg 8(1) " , ( ie for a reason in connection with the transfer ) .
20 Given the purposive approach to construction now adopted by the courts in order to give effect to the true intentions of the legislature , the fine distinctions between looking for the mischief and looking for the intention in using words to provide the remedy are technical and inappropriate .
21 Whether he gave the command to open fire in Vilnius and Riga or is cynically refusing to condemn the thuggery of his troops in order to put pressure on the Baltic republics , he has taken the side of order against law , acting in defiance of those republics ' legally elected parliaments .
22 In many instances , pellet formation is stimulated by the availability of the next meal ( Chitty , 1938 ) , with the previous meal being regurgitated even if not fully digested in order to leave room for the next and in this case it seems likely that the initial level of pH would be higher than normal .
23 To correct the problem , researchers transplanted a copy of the missing gene into the child 's body in order to trigger production of the crucial enzyme .
24 Live plucking was normal practice by the commoners , in order to ensure quills of the best quality .
25 By 1916 it had become obvious that the war was not likely to be over for some time and the government round that it was necessary to introduce military conscription in place of voluntary conscription , in order to ensure replacement of the thousands of soldiers being killed and wounded on the battlefields .
26 Some roads may have to be narrowed to single-track width in order to force lorries onto the central sections which are sufficiently strong to bear their weight .
27 It was probably in order to force movement on the German problem that Khruschev decided to exert pressure once again on the most exposed Western position in Europe , Berlin .
28 If any part of such a simulation is not achieved then the trainee should be credited only with the Learning Outcomes which have been achieved and will , after appropriate remediation need to work through another similar situation in order to demonstrate competence in the remaining Learning Outcomes .
29 Er I ca n't , you know , there seems to be an inconsistency in so many people who are against national wars but er would say that what we need is a revolutionary situation in order to change things for the better within society .
30 We had to be there one hour before the beginning of the film in order to get seats in the front row .
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