Example sentences of "be donated to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the former car works at Cowley is being demolished to make way for new development , but one building has been carefully taken down so it can be donated to the Oxford Bus Museum Trust .
2 Pensioner members who wish to take up this suggestion may do so by writing to the Honorary finance Officer stating when they retired/resigned from the Bank and quote their membership/staff number and , in their letter , incorporate a clear request that all or part of the sum be donated to the Frank Holden Defence Fund . . .
3 The advice lines last between two and three minutes , and all the money raised will be donated to the NSPCC .
4 When the crisis is over , any surplus funds will be donated to the Gulf Trust .
5 The entries will be opened on Friday July 31st and proceeds from the successful bid will be donated to the Parkinson 's Disease Society .
6 ‘ A Town 's Pride ’ was reviewed in the Autumn 1990 issue of The Lifeboat and all profits from sales will be donated to the RNLI .
7 All proceeds from the EP , including Right Said Fred 's publishing royalties , are to be donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust .
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