Example sentences of "be combined with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Volume and other discounts up to 20% of the single unit purchase price can be combined with the promotion , but it ca n't be combined with special bids .
2 The genes from elephants could be combined with the genes from worms , bats and angler fish .
3 These might be combined with the formulation above and adapted as shown in Figure 5.1 .
4 But the Ben must be bagged , and happily it can be combined with the ascent of another massive Munro , Carn Mor Dearg , which will steer you away from the tourist path and into some grander territory .
5 So Mr Gates is trying to work out how his rising pile of information can best be combined with the expertise he does have , in software .
6 The solution suggested above allows the very low synonym levels of a multi-record bucket — in this case a track — to be combined with the CKD format of individually stored records , which makes it possible to search the whole track and retrieve only the desired record .
7 Manual cleaning may be combined with the use of machines with equipment parts being passed through a dishwasher .
8 After investigating voluntary , non-vocational adult education in Scotland , the committee recommended that adult education should be combined with the youth and community service into a community education service .
9 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission will be combined with the Office of Fair Trading and made independent of government , increasing its effectiveness .
10 The elegant formula which enabled the dignity of the Crown to be combined with the reality of Dominion independence came from Balfour .
11 Apart from predictable duties , like that of sitting through a performance of The Family Reunion ( a play for which he now had little affection ) , he was asked to crown the Swedish snow queen at the winter festival : he told Robert Giroux that he had hoped this might be combined with the Nobel ceremony itself , so that he could wear ice-skates with his tails .
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