Example sentences of "be equate with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As V i can conveniently be expressed as a function of a reference volume V o such that and assuming that , without introducing significant error , r can be equated with the degree of polymerization for the polymer then
2 The changes brought about by electronically based information technology are so fundamental that , for the historian at least , they must be equated with the invention and spread of printing or perhaps even the initial development of the written record .
3 Although this idea of law as a general , abstract , and non-purposive body of rules may be equated with the idea of common law , Hayek does recognize that , even with a system compatible with the ideals of nomos , there is a role for legislation .
4 Reviewing the arguments presented earlier , it would seem that the lack of local politics in the post-war period should not be equated with the turning of local government into mere agents of the centre ; nor should it be seen as the result of non-local structural forces promoting change on a national basis .
5 If we let p i be the probability that an adjacent cell is vacant , then to a reasonable approximation this can be equated with the fraction of cells occupied by i polymer chains on the lattice i.e. which is valid for large values of z .
6 In order to come to terms with the past , the initial gesture must be to confront its strangeness , rather than to seek for similarities and continuities so that it can be equated with the present and thus , in effect , dehistoricized .
7 So opacity can be equated with the extent to which the reader is required to be creative .
8 In that case , the sum of the values of the parts of a thing should not be equated with the sum of the values they would have had outside that whole .
9 I , and be equated with the Tow Valley Fault in North Antrim , extending southwestwards through the Sperrins to join the Castle Archdale — Ox Mountains faults ( J. R. P.
10 These ‘ activities ’ are not temporary ( more 's the pity ) but they can hardly be equated with the professor 's letter typing , which is a periodic state of affairs and will not last .
11 The high number of sites very close to water can be equated with the number of sites at low altitudes , sea-level and up to 15 m above sea level .
12 So er , in so far as human nature can be equated with the id , it seems to me , perfectly correct to say that Frob erm , Frob I was going to say , Freud , Freud was a Hobbesian thinker .
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