Example sentences of "play [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know I have seen three plays already in the magnificent splendour of the Opera House .
2 West Germany 's defender who played on with a broken collar bone in 1970 ( see taking it too seriously and injuries ) .
3 Both Seve and Irwin played badly in the third round , but you 're never going to do a good score at Lytham when it feels like three degrees below freezing and there 's a gale blowing , are you ?
4 We splashed and laughed and played together for a long time , sharing their delight at looking underwater through a diving mask for the first time .
5 They played together in the final round of the 1991 Open at Royal Birkdale and the great American quickly spotted the potential of the 6ft 4in Walker Cup player .
6 ‘ I do n't know where my next penny is coming from , I really do n't , ’ she would breathe in her flat , light voice , as she sat hunched on the river bank , too hapless for despair , while our children played together among the drifting garbage at the water 's edge .
7 A sigh broke from her throat as the taxi turned into the courtyard of the villa and the fountain played coolly in the sweltering heat .
8 It was not her harmonica , it was higher pitched , a peeping sound like a poor recording played back through a tiny speaker .
9 She had always lived in a crowd , other people 's dramas and her own played out through a thin wall for the benefit of anyone who chose to listen .
10 MODERN EXISTENTIALIST thriller played out in a ghoulish horror setting .
11 The Light twins , Chris Rodwell and Carl Barrett played well in a stalwart defence .
12 He said they played well in the first half , but then things went wrong in the second half , when Orrell had a bit of luck in scoring after a knock on .
13 We played late on the first day and I went round in the morning spotting the pin positions , trying to get a feel for the course so I could give the right information to Nick .
14 Except for that last year , when the blurred skelter of images would n't stay in their frames and played about with a kaleidoscopic frenzy .
15 The team was the same as for the West Ham game , except Hodge played instead of the injured Speed .
16 ‘ With the fear of God in us , we played passionately in the second half and ran out 3-2 winners , so Cloughie 's unpredictability in letting us stay up late on the Friday night was vindicated . ’
17 Roberto played beautifully in the third round and we progressed to two strokes ahead of the field after he shot a 67 .
18 Gilford played disappointingly after a bright start .
19 ‘ He plays more on the left hand side which is not my favourite position , I prefer to play on the right .
20 Smith added : ‘ We did n't plan for a start like that , but it helped us to play well in the first half .
21 Accordingly , she went on to play primarily on the Yiddish stage , where , with her impish manner and tiny build — her toes , she said , never reached the end of her stockings — she soon became a star .
22 ‘ The Buzz ’ is a heavy techno track , already being played widely as a white label , from the man currently establishing himself as a major techno start thanks to his live performances as well as recorded releases .
23 ‘ The Buzz ’ is a heavy techno track , already being played widely as a white label , from the man currently establishing himself as a major techno start thanks to his live performances as well as recorded releases .
24 Formby-born tournament referee Alan Mills said : ‘ It was a difficult decision bearing in mind he has not played much in the last couple of months because of injury .
25 In bars 11–12 , the root note of the Am add 11 chord should be played not at the 7th fret of the D string , as in the start of the piece , but as an open A string .
26 And beautiful : played over by the cheerful light of young and strong vigour , entirely desire of the senses and entirely pleasure in one another .
27 Suddenly , Rildia Bee heard the piece being played exquisitely in the next room , and beheld her own tiny to perched on the bench playing an instrument he had never before touched , and playing it already with transcendent genius .
28 TUESDAY 'S play in the first round singles events having been rained off were played yesterday in the 31st Dun Laoghire Bowling tournament in Dublin .
29 The conflict is played out for the last time in The Red Shoes ( 1948 ) , where the ballerina played by Moira Shearer initially lives unproblematically for her dancing , until she falls in love with a composer .
30 Already as a young man of twenty-four he had pressed Eliot 's claims upon his seniors , John Crowe Ransom and Donald Davidson , in the circle of the Nashville ‘ fugitives ’ ; and this initially provincial dispute was played out on a national stage as early as 1923 when , in the New York Evening Post Literary Review , Ransom , with the courtly composure that was to be his hallmark , tried to promote Robert Graves before Eliot , only to be taken to task in the same columns by his younger associate .
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