Example sentences of "move from [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They will want to know why we did not appreciate the inconvenience and stupidity of having to change currency constantly as one moved from country to country in the Community .
2 They moved from cover to cover within the compound , advancing towards the rear of the battle , following the sounds that would lead them to their own side and to news of the day 's progress .
3 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
4 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
5 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
6 And in adulthood John moved from job to job without settling .
7 These men — and overwhelmingly they were men — came from large , poor families , moved from job to job in catering and manual work and were unable to save out of their meagre earnings .
8 We have moved from consensus to conflict in politics : have we moved in that direction , too , as regards our constitutional order , taking that to mean the broad principles underlying the way government is organised and power exercised ?
9 In some systems one crane serves more than one aisle and in this case is moved from aisle to aisle by an automatic transfer system .
10 In the space of only two weeks , the Slovak lawyer has moved from dissident to defendant to government minister .
11 During the exchange itself he 'd moved from suspicion to disbelief to disgust and finally to acceptance of Estabrook 's proposal .
12 He tried to remember what the weather had been like in the last week and realized he had no idea ; like many city-dwellers he had moved from flat to car to office without registering any variation .
13 The SAAF will name which turboprop trainer it has chosen to replace the Harvard with the CFS ( which itself will move from Dunnottar to Langebaanweg in 1993 ) , ideally from 1995 .
14 Fronted by a HyperCard-like interface — SuperCard , actually — the system lets users click and move from point to point on the painting and get lectures and comments from old bores , ex-mistresses , ‘ people who were there ’ , dopey ex-Nazi pilots , Picasso mavens and all sorts of experts .
15 These materials are soluble in water , and hence can move from place to place by diffusion .
16 There it was again , moving from grave to grave in the moonlight .
17 He joined up in the spring of 1940 and spent the next two years moving from camp to camp around England with the Royal Engineers .
18 It was always in motion , in waves and pulses , moving from west to east in the atmosphere .
19 this bloke and his bird , right , and then ahead would n't like it clears up a bit in , in the Blackwall tunnel but it 's still like sort of five yards in between each car and he 's just like moving from lane to lane without signalling or anything
20 It would have been inconsiderate , and the possibility was not discussed , although Groa , moving from hall to hall with her husband , took the chance to pack a few extra boxes with thick clothes and blankets , and spent a little time during her last call at Orphir studying the crucifix Bishop Jon had pinned over her bed and wondering whether or not it would be Christian to pray for a wind .
21 For H2O , moving from solid to liquid to gas is a simple thing .
22 One sign of approaching winter comes from the parties of siskins feeding on catkins of birch seeds , moving from tree to tree in noisy flocks .
23 Its entrepreneurs ranged the globe and with them went the cadre of ( mostly British and Irish ) foremen , skilled workers and elite labour ; sometimes settling down in some foreign country for good , their children becoming the Anglo-Argentines of the next generation , sometimes moving from country to country like the much less numerous oilmen of our days .
24 He could not really account for what he did , moving from duty to duty like a sleep walker , so buoyed up he did n't even bother to study the stars that night , in spite of the sky being cloud free .
25 The bearing of such a burden , as one historian has recently remarked , suggests that in moving from lightweight to heavyweight in the European balance of power while simultaneously acquiring an overseas empire , Britain owed as much to her clerks and administrators as she did to her soldiers , sailors , generals and admirals .
26 The former racing driver and industrialist Lady Denton — who entered the Lords last year — becomes a junior minister at the Department of Trade and Industry ; Lady Blatch moves from Environment to Minister of State for Education ; and Baroness Cumberlege becomes a junior minister at Health .
27 It moves from department to department in a pre-arranged sequence like the baton in a relay race .
28 As its diamond-tipped drill moves from place to place along a rock band that stretches through the Mweelrea Mountains and the Sheeffry Hills , local concern is growing .
29 While working the FAXgrabber icon appears at the bottom of the screen and little bracket symbols move from side to side underneath it to tell you that it is operating .
30 The gaming world in part consists of four main islands ( there are rumours of more ! ) and this nicely breaks up the game and avoids the feeling of a bland and repetitive world , ( why does that Island concept ring a bell ? ) and you move from Island to Island by looking at a map and selecting your destination ( sounds VERY familiar ! ) .
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