Example sentences of "much [adj -er] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Optimal scaffolding is that which promotes the highest level of functioning with the minimal level of support ; a child who is having difficulty in making herself understood may require a great deal of support ; a few minutes later that same child dealing with a different topic may become relatively fluent and require a much lower level of adult participation .
2 The Protocol also leaves out ‘ soft ’ CFCs , which have a much lower potential for ozone depletion but still have a destructive effect .
3 Competition among them has been intense in the past decade as a result of the switch to reimbursement based on diagnostic related groups rather than historic costs , a difficult regulatory environment aimed at reducing short stay hospital capacity and at cost containment , and a much tougher climate for research funding .
4 It believes the figures on this basis give a much fairer picture of business performance and underlying financial strength .
5 Professor Stubbs provided a much lengthier example of class-room discussion to illustrate good practice in the teaching of linguistic terminology .
6 It was initiated partly in response to the furore caused by Enoch Powell 's 1969 ‘ rivers of blood ’ speech , much as disturbances at the 1976 Notting Hill Carnival prompted further steps on the part of the Department of the Environment — ‘ A riot makes a much bigger impact on government thinking ’ , as Donnison ( 1987 ) has pointed out , ‘ than any amount of earnest and accurate research ’ .
7 Yet they would be a much better way of spending money than the present married man 's tax allowance which reduces income tax for all married men , rich or poor , whether or not they have dependants in their households .
8 But Hutchison , a captain in the Royal Engineers , faced a much closer battle between World Cup skiers fighting for the top four places in the men 's event .
9 As a result the proposed Cordillera autonomous region would consist solely of Ifugao , the only province voting in favour of autonomy , three other provinces — Benguet , Abra and Kalinga-Apayao — voting heavily against , with a much closer result in Mountain Province .
10 It has been argued that diesel takes a much smaller amount of process heat to refine , and is therefore more environmentally considerate all round .
11 With a much smaller baseload of night traffic it was no longer viable to retain separate services to Scotland on both the East and West Coast routes .
12 Mr. Raffan : As the review referred to a much higher incidence of heart disease , strokes and most forms of cancer in Wales compared to the rest of the United Kingdom , will my right Hon. Friend assure the House that the Health Promotion Authority for Wales will have a much higher profile than it has had and a budget to match ?
13 Some of the newer boots achieve a much higher resistance to water penetration by altering the surface chemistry of the leather , making it hydrophobic ( water hating ) .
14 Buchanan is arguing that because of environmental pressures , and particularly because of changes in management technology and the need for flexibility , high performance requires organizations to combine flatter structures with a much higher degree of worker control .
15 But finished goods generally have a much higher value to weight ratio than do raw materials , and accordingly it was on the transit costs of the latter that canals had their most marked effect .
16 The finding that the gastrin concentration is similar in the H pylori positive and negative uraemic patients , despite the much higher rate of ammonia production in the former , is further evidence against the hypergastrinaemia being due to bacterial ammonia production .
17 Factors such as degree of disability and whether the elderly person lives alone , with a spouse , or with younger household members may have a much stronger influence on service receipt than the age of the elderly person .
18 Most L1 + cells at this site were this taken to represent granulocytes , which was supported by the fact that the CD68 + L1 - cells showed a much stronger reaction for acid phosphatase than those expressing L1 in all ethanol fixed specimens examined .
19 It remains the law that a trade union is not , and is not to be treated as if it were , a body corporate , but a much wider measure of tort liability is now imposed by the Employment Act 1982 .
20 The decision is part of a much wider shift in government thinking , in which Mr Patten has clearly been given Cabinet permission to distance his own policy from that of predecessors , such as Michael Heseltine , and , to a lesser extent , Mr Ridley , now Trade and Industry Secretary , who believed that economic success depended on getting the planner off the backs of business and citizen alike .
21 The movement of cattle , legal and illegal , had a much greater influence on Border life , particularly in its less amenable wilds and wastes , than did agricultural developments .
22 Could the same effect be reached in modern English , with its much fiercer attitude towards phrasal looseness ?
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