Example sentences of "for failing [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was reported on a discipline charge for failing to arrest the boy at the time .
2 In addition , the JIP criticized the Prime Minister , Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif , for failing to implement the process of Islamization which was part of the IDA election manifesto .
3 It was also criticized for failing to anticipate the catastrophe .
4 The export ban , imposed at the end of 1992 , was intended to penalize the Khmer Rouge , which controls part of the trade , for failing to honour the ceasefire which forms part of the UN-brokered Cambodian peace settlement .
5 Mr Ro earned the boot for failing to detect the public 's sensitivities on this point .
6 Cenco blamed Seidman , which had already settled with Cenco investors for $3.5m , for failing to detect the fraud .
7 The Church of Scotland has hit out at local and central government for failing to bridge the care gap .
8 It also criticized the electricity companies for failing to take the lead in developing alternative energy sources .
9 It condemned the police for failing to control the counter-demonstration and for not ensuring the right of the NICRA marchers to demonstrate peacefully .
10 Working for patients has been criticised for failing to emphasise the importance of people and not being more specific about the need for personnel management .
11 The report criticized both Ridley , for failing to hand the matter over to the courts , and Lord Young for failing to refer the takeover to the MMC , and put forward over 30 recommendations for the strengthening of financial regulations .
12 This can be provided by the magic power or words , such as inscribing prohibitions into the nation 's constitution , and by manifestations of the divine in terms of either retribution for failing to uphold the truth , or grace for upholding the truth , with rewards ‘ such as oil finds and victories in the World Championships ’ .
13 The college says health workers have been deterred from getting help because of the tactics of some newspapers and it condemns the media ‘ for failing to report the reality of risk from HIV positive health care staff .
14 When it came to electing a successor to the deposed Archbishop Fitzherbert at Richmond ( North Riding ) on 24 July 1147 , Bishop William opted for Henry Murdac [ q.v. ] , favourite of the Yorkshire reformers , against King Stephen 's candidate ; presumably it was Murdac who released him from the suspension he incurred for failing to attend the Council of Reims in March 1148 .
15 He was again imprisoned in 1677 for six months for failing to attend the Church of England 's services , but for the remainder of his life was free , devoting himself to his pastoral duties and his writings .
16 Environmentalists criticized the bill for its lack of specific legislation to curb ground water contamination and the use of pesticide and chemical fertiliser , and for failing to promote the sale of organically grown produce .
17 I can excuse them for not knowing all the facts that have now come to light but I can not forgive them or the government for failing to steer the health of the nation .
18 To criticize his methods for failing to characterize the dialect accurately is therefore to miss their point .
19 Assam 's Governor , D. D. Thakur , resigned on March 15 , having been criticised by Rajiv Gandhi on March 13 for failing to tackle the insurgency threat ; he was replaced by Loknath Mishra , while his responsibilities in Arunachal Pradesh were taken over by Surendra Nath Dwiwedi , appointed as Governor on March 20 .
20 A report on the incident which closed the Arcton 113 plant at Runcorn also recommends procedures to ensure the main site alarms are sounded after the company was criticised for failing to activate the siren .
21 Daniel Field wrote in 1976 that " The fear of peasant unrest … can not be shown to have been decisive in the decision to emancipate " , but Larisa Zakharova took him to task eight years later for failing to explain the emancipation in terms of " the fear of a peasant rising or the moods and struggle of the peasantry " .
22 It said the Civil Aviation Authority failed adequately to monitor the airline 's maintenance procedures and criticised air traffic controllers for failing to treat the emergency with the urgency it warranted .
23 He faced accusations that in 1984-85 , while he was Prime Minister , he was responsible for failing to stop the use in blood transfusions of blood which carried the HIV virus .
24 BIRDS Eye Walls was fined £4,400 yesterday for failing to indicate the use of textured soya protein in the names of some of their beef and chicken products .
25 The High Court confirmed an award of penalties by the General Commissioners against a taxpayer for failing to provide the information required by a precept in Stoll v High Wycombe General Commissioners and IRC [ 1992 ] STI 212 .
26 Price was thought to have influenced the decision on April 21 by Guyana 's President Desmond Hoyte to appoint Rudolph Collins , a former ambassador to Venezuela , to chair the electoral commission , in place of Sir Harold Bollers , who had been strongly criticized for failing to assert the commission 's independence from the ruling People 's National Congress .
27 Mrs Thatcher , ironically , now found herself criticized by the Chicago sage , Milton Friedman , for failing to apply the monetarist remedy with sufficient consistency or determination .
28 And now they plan to sue the authority for failing to make the wall safe .
29 In choices of means , I may pay severely for failing to recognize the equality of personal as of spatial and temporal viewpoints , if for example I lose awareness of the fact that a competitor 's need and determination is as great as mine ; but in choosing between our ends , nothing compels me to feel the pull of his inclination equally with mine , other than a recognition that it is illogical to shut my eyes in one case to what I am forced to acknowledge in the other .
30 Brown himself was expelled from the Obstetrical Society in 1867 for failing to obtain the consent of his patients and their husbands to the operation , rather than for his methods per se .
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