Example sentences of "change [that] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What author ? ’ asked the doctor , probably resenting the arbitrary change that had been made upon his name .
2 Secondly , in order to maximize the use of scarce capital resources , industries were selected that could utilize the backlog of technological change that had been developed in the Western economies .
3 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
4 A later chapter will examine the changes that had been introduced in the examination system , but for the dominant minority in grammar-school sixth forms very little had changed .
5 It is , after all , an approach that has served the rich rather well and will continue to do so , given the sweeping changes that have been made to wealth taxation .
6 And I 'd like to erm try and get you all to see what you can tell by simply observing the building , and I 'd like to concentrate if we may on the central part of the building , because there are a number of changes that have been made to that building erm which tell a story .
7 About the changes that have been made to .
8 PageMaker has a very clever habit of remembering all the changes that have been made to a document so that they can either be Undone or Reverted to .
9 most of the changes that have been made to those houses have been er erm at the request of Newton Sherwood District Council , they the the they lifted the room pitch , we had a lower one , they wanted a higher one , erm , and you know , erm , all all basically erm the the although they counted it as a change since application
10 The poor second half performance , however , masks the changes that have been made at Lincat , which is now placed to deliver more acceptable returns .
11 I welcome the changes that have been made since then and the leadership which my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has given the country .
12 The changes that have been introduced into South Africa forced upon the white minority government by both international pressure but also by the magnificent work at the A N C in Cosatu must be supported as well but we can not treat South Africa as anything but a pariah a , a , a national pariah until we see one person one vote , and a black majority government in South Africa .
13 Nevertheless it is possible to make a number of guarded conclusions on how the social changes that have been described in this chapter have altered the structure of relationships within the rural population .
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