Example sentences of "change [modal v] [be] made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 From time to time a subtle change may be made to the details of the computation of the index .
2 ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners .
3 Subject to the contrary agreement of the partners : ( 5 ) Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business ( 7 ) No partner may be introduced as a partner without the consent of all existing partners ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners It is obvious enough that if a partner is to be held responsible for the acts of his co-partners committed in the name of the firm he should in principle have : ( 1 ) unrestricted access to information about those acts ; ( 2 ) every right , indeed a duty , to assume personal responsibility ( equally with his co-partners ) for the conduct of the firm 's affairs ; and ( 3 ) the right ( by exercise of a veto ) to prevent any act for which he is unwilling to accept liability .
4 The change should be made to the scoring method used in the league , county , divisional and Five Nations Championships .
5 But if this be the case it is for Parliament , not for the judiciary , to decide whether any changes should be made to the law as stated in the Acts , and , if so , what are the precise limits that ought to be imposed upon the immunity from liability for torts committed in the course of taking industrial action .
6 ‘ If this be the case it is for Parliament , not for the judiciary , to decide whether any changes should be made to the law as stated in the Acts . ’
7 Now the thing that seems to be the most interesting on the er face value of it , is er how it 's going to affect fuel consumption and transport , and he is saying that they 're considering whether further changes should be made in the taxation of er fuel and vehicles .
8 Changes must be made to the attack for the first Test at Old Trafford next month but pacemen Andy Caddick , Paul Jarvis and Chris Lewis now have just one more chance to prove they should remain for the Ashes opener .
9 The Minister said that changes might be made by the trustees only with the approval of the Scottish Transport Group board and also with the approval of those voting at a meeting of members of the scheme .
10 Anthony Bradley , emeritus professor of constitutional law at Edinburgh University , said there was a case for a double-stage inquiry which first examined the principle or case for change and the second to study how changes could be made with the minimum dislocation or waste of expenditure .
11 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
12 The Colorado majority in the December elections was expected to guarantee that no changes would be made to the new law .
13 It is not envisaged that any material changes will be made to the sale and purchase agreement .
14 The introduction of a scheme of financial devolution into a school guarantees that some changes will be made in the management and organisation of that school .
15 Micro Focus has defined Application Programming Interfaces between Dialogue System and the initialling Cobol program to separate the detail of the user interface from the underlying business application logic so that changes can be made to the user interface without impacting the Cobol program , making possible multiple user interfaces to the same application .
16 Changes can be made in the look of any step not by a change in the tempo but in the time signature : for example , dancing a pas de basque to a 2/4 or 6/8 instead of the usual 3/4 .
17 What change will be made to the level of grant paid to those ports which move from trust status to the private sector ?
18 Therefore , I respectfully suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear and simple change can be made to the law which would protect those who are not the parties to a trial — third parties outside a trial .
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