Example sentences of "change [prep] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some preliminary quantitative insights can be obtained by writing the rate of change of hydrogen peroxide with respect to time as : Here k f is the second-order rate coefficient for recombination of HO 2 radicals ( 6.7x10 -12 cm 3 per molecule s -1 at 287K ) and k l is the first-order rate coefficient for physical removal .
2 The Council argued the proposed change of operating centre on tree nursery land did not conform with rural development in that area .
3 The theory makes important predictions regarding the change of chain configuration during deformation and relaxation and these are measurable by monitoring the radius of gyration tensor .
4 The rate of change of flux linkages with rotor Position is shown in Fig. 4.14(b) , which has the correct phase relationship to Fig. 4.14(a) .
5 For a given phase current the torque produced by one phase is proportional to the rate of change of flux linkages with rotor position ( Fitzgerald and Kingsley , 1952 ) and therefore the static torque/rotor position characteristics for positive excitation of the two phases can be deduced , as in Fig. 4.14(c) .
6 The equilibrium position is between the two separate phase equilibrium positions and so the rate of change of flux linkages with rotor position is relatively large .
7 ( 5.19 ) with respect to time gives the variation of rotor position with time : For a phase current the flux linked with phase A is simply the product of current and inductance : and the rate of change of flux linkages with time is : The first term in this expression is the voltage induced in the phase windings by the rotor motion and the second term arises from the changing current in the phase inductance — Substituting from Eqns — ( 5.17 ) and ( 5.20 ) gives the motional voltage in terms of the phase inductance : Since the phase current , is produced by a switched voltage supply it is non-sinusoidal and therefore , from Eqn .
8 THE RELEASE of this album , their first studio effort in three years , sees the return to the fray of Level 42 after a period punctuated by the tragic death of Alan Murphy , their lead guitarist , and a change of record labels to boot .
9 As a young dancer , Susan followed the same teacher through changes of class venue in church and school halls throughout Newcastle , Consett , Hebburn and finally Jarrow .
10 Sudden changes in behaviour patterns of prey species also produce seasonal changes in predation ; for example when young moles are dispersing from their nests they travel on the surface rather than beneath the ground , and they are then heavily predated .
11 Changes in income distribution in favour of the rich and the more generous treatment of investment income have an effect upon capital accumulation and investment .
12 Our sample appears to confirm that collective bargaining practice has followed the initial approach of union policy in giving little weight to the less quantifiable changes in working conditions from application of new technology and systems , especially in job design and its effects on the quality of working life .
13 Legislative changes in benefit regulations of course cause difficulties at the Department of Social Security which is already unable to cope .
14 But it led to no official population policy , nor to real changes in government policy towards family support ( see Chapter 13 ) .
15 However , of the seven studies in the review they quote , three showed objective changes in lung function after theophylline , all in association with plasma concentrations in the therapeutic range .
16 Only one of these studies attempted to control for the possible effects of changes in price volatility on volume , even though two of these studies ( and others ) found some evidence of a positive relationship between volatility and volume .
17 Changes in furniture layout with respect to windows , working space , etc will be required in other areas .
18 The history of cattle stealing illustrates many aspects of rural life , including the effectiveness of the colonial state in asserting its authority , the impact of changes in land use on village society , and the importance of geographical variations when tracing economic and social trends .
19 The effects of changes in land use on groundwater quality can thus be very significant , and they have again been a major aspect of the BGS Hydrogeology Group 's work .
20 It is clear from data on occupations drawn from the decennial censuses that retirement for men over the age of 65 was increasing from 1881 , almost thirty years before the introduction of a state pension ; and modern evidence from the United States gives good grounds for believing that , in some circumstances at least , changes in retirement age over time represent a supply-side factor , with people choosing retirement before they become incapable of work .
21 The confidence limits for assessing likely changes in impact factor from year to year can also be assigned ( Nieuwenhuysen 1989 ) .
22 Long-wave theories focus on changes in industrial production to the exclusion of all others and even within that sphere their subject matter is restricted to changes in material aspects of production , the hardware that is used in production or in the material goods that are produced .
23 Rose tried to test if there were big shifts in the economy , as posited by the adversary model , or continuities , regardless of changes in party control of government .
24 In view of the changes in glucose tolerance in pregnancy Lind has recommended that for a 75 g glucose tolerance test the two hour cut off should be 9 mmol/l and for the one hour test , 10.5 mmol/l .
25 Studies to date have produced conflicting evidence concerning changes in acid secretion after eradication of H pylori and lowering of the serum gastrin concentration .
26 The Implications of Changes in Employment Opportunities for Decision Making Processes in the Household
27 The company also agreed to provide a more adequate explanation of changes in accounting policy in future , and the Panel welcomed the directors ' intention ‘ to ensure that future notes will include reiteration of the former policy as well as a description of the new policy ’ .
28 Their interest is focused upon revealed changes in integration effects over time , as indicated by a domestic share of apparent domestic consumption ( p-x ) , a partner share of apparent domestic consumption ( Mp ) , and a rest of the world share of apparent domestic consumption ( Mrow ) .
29 Work with the RIAS is aimed at changes in VAT legislation in relation to conservation work .
30 These changes in fashion lead in turn to discontinuous non-cumulative changes in the MOH and damage institutional and capacity building .
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