Example sentences of "it [modal v] be recalled that " in BNC.

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1 First , it may be recalled that in Chapter 2 , I concluded discussion of habitation by allowing the possibility that simple exposure to a stimulus might result in the formation of an increasingly detailed and well-specified representation of it .
2 First it may be recalled that , of the vacuum field equations ( 6.22a-f ) considered in previous chapters , ( 6.22a ) may immediately be integrated to give , ( 11.1 ) and ( 6.22d , e ) are integrability conditions for the remaining equations .
3 It may be recalled that it is suggested that the origin of ‘ -desire ’ could be also the origin of life , and is one of the timeless mysteries relegated to the pre-life period of the story of the universe .
4 It may be recalled that Lanfranc 's doubt about the sanctity of Elphege arose from lack of information about the circumstances of his death .
5 It may be recalled that no group contemplated placing the following sentence at the end : From an analytic point of view , this sentence raises a number of issues .
6 As for British Steel 's monolith , at least it still stands to give a little reassurance against Teesside 's depression and unemployment ; it may be recalled that Teesside steel made North-Eastern strength .
7 On the negative side it should be recalled that many Belorussian nationalists were more pro-Western than specifically Belorussian in their emphasis , while many others became so identified with the Bolshevik Party that they shed earlier inclinations .
8 Scorn has been poured upon the excessive mourning practised by Victorians , to which even their children and servants were subjected ; but it should be recalled that the badge of mourning was like the tartan of a Highland clan : it symbolised solidarity .
9 Following the exile , it should be recalled that women , for a complex of pragmatic reasons , were confined almost exclusively to the domestic realm .
10 And in this respect , it should be recalled that the man I later compared to the mechanical rabbit who runs on.rails at a greyhound track was far from being the smooth , meticulous driver he later became .
11 ( It should be recalled that when he first appeared in Hanoi in August , everyone asked ‘ Who is Ho Chi Minh ? ’ )
12 It should be recalled that the covariance may be defined as follows : .
13 Solihull teachers were strongly so , but it should be recalled that only a relatively small proportion of them had had any direct experience of the process .
14 Finally , in this regard it should be recalled that although gluten sensitivity never presents with rectal bleeding , patients were seen to develop an acute erythematous/haemorrhagic proctitis after massive rectal challenge with gluten or its derivatives .
15 And it should be recalled that in a very short time ( less than three months ) Harris mounted his 1,000-Plan to demonstrate what strategic bombing was all about , but more especially the main reason was to get the Navy and the Army off his back with their insistent and regular demands for bombers to bolster the parlous situation in their theatres of war .
16 However it should be recalled that even if an obligation of confidence is held to exist the grant of an injunction is in the discretion of the court .
17 These exceptional cases apart ( and it must be recalled that they are not really examples of the situation under discussion ) , it has been seen that there is no good ground for arguing that the doctor breaches his duty to his patient when respecting the patient 's wishes to be left to die .
18 It must be recalled that Marx was using a very abstract model , in which only workers and capitalists appear as economic persona .
19 Above all , it must be recalled that , at least in the fifteenth century , military objectives could best be achieved through siege warfare , which gave the cavalry less opportunity than it had enjoyed before .
20 It will be recalled that it was the spectacle of unseemly levity at the pauper 's funeral that launched Lord Shaftesbury on his famous philanthropic career .
21 It will be recalled that following the mutual agreement over the continuation of the Bedfordshire scheme in 1930 and the exceptional arrangements made for Cambridgeshire , the Cambridge Board had established its Rural Areas Committee ( RAC ) in 1932 to expand its provision of Chapter III courses in both counties through the activities of its university resident tutors , Shearman and Baker .
22 It will be recalled that , according to this theory , a stimulus is held to be fully effective only when it is able to generate the Al ( primary activation ) state in the node that constitutes its central representation .
23 It will be recalled that Thales , the first Greek philosopher , was Ionian , and he maintained that the first principle ( arche ) of all things is water .
24 It will be recalled that the Dudley ( or Sutton ) family was prominent in the history of England especially in late Tudor times , and held many estates and titles including , for a short time , the dukedom of Northumberland .
25 It will be recalled that Sutton depôt was built to house 60 cars , but up to now had rarely held more than 20 , so even with the overhaul facilities , there was plenty of space to spare .
26 It will be recalled that the dislocation is essentially a line defect which can move about in the crystal fairly freely .
27 It will be recalled that Peirce made no use of natural selection for similar purposes , and the difference between the projects of the two epistemologists will be clarified if we note why Quine can do so .
28 It will be recalled that except in cases of manifest homicide , death in general is attributed to witchcraft .
29 It will be recalled that the Attorney-General always has standing to sue to vindicate public rights ( which includes a right that the criminal law be complied with ) .
30 It will be recalled that the convention 's text is less than clear on the question of its obligatory nature ; it applies ‘ where there is occasion to transmit a … document for service abroad ’ .
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