Example sentences of "it must [be] emphasised that " in BNC.

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1 It must be emphasised that to prevent or to stop a spin the wings must be unstalled by means of a forward movement .
2 To all this is added ( and it must be emphasised that Catholicism has always been in the ascendancy ) , a healthy input from the Jewish fraternity whose civic and educational emphasis greatly increases the town 's well-being , albeit from a proportionately tiny community .
3 However , it must be emphasised that the flexibility shown by the local authority in approving this combination of residential and occupational functions within individual units is very unusual and was probably encouraged by the planners ' recognition that this approach could act to conserve a listed building with the least possible alteration of its character .
4 In conclusion , despite all that has been said , it must be emphasised that attitudes are as much affected by reality as affecting reality .
5 However , it must be emphasised that generally hyperlipidaemia combined with diabetes mellitus can be adequately treated with attention to dietary measures , promoting weight loss and improving glycaemic control .
6 Once again it must be emphasised that creative play with these materials is tremendously important , and though mathematical experience may be an integral part of that activity , the child ' s creative urge should never be sacrificed .
7 It must be emphasised that this legal position , whereby the company is exempted from certain rules of the host state , can only arise in a case in which services are provided without a place of business being established in the host state .
8 It must be emphasised that the preceding information does not constitute some new revolutionary theory , but echoes a once universal understanding of the true workings of nature embraced by the knowledgeable in every high civilisation of the past , and perhaps intuitively felt by most sensitive individuals who have not been bludgeoned by the dull instruments of Western reductionism .
9 The bishop 's spokesman Canon Andy Radford said : ‘ It must be emphasised that no charges have been brought against the bishop and the allegations about him are unsubstantiated .
10 In considering the claims filed against accountants , it must be emphasised that in many cases the underlying reasons for such suits are not negligence or incompetence on the part of auditors , but the consequence of faulty business policies and management decisions , or even carefully planned and executed frauds .
11 It must be emphasised that many factors in the child 's motivation and experience affect both development and learning .
12 While recognising the relative vulnerability of certain groups to poverty , it must be emphasised that they do share one crucial common feature , their social class position .
13 ‘ In fairness to the board it must be emphasised that it is not being unco-operative .
14 However , it must be emphasised that all the women who chose not to register for work actually did want paid employment and took up any employment opportunities which arose ( Callender , 1986a ) .
15 It must be emphasised that the reduction in fees did not apply to laboratory costs , equipment costs , or staff costs .
16 It must be emphasised that tics , the essential feature of Tourette 's syndrome , are ‘ involuntary , sudden , rapid , recurrent , nonrhythmic , stereotyped , motor movements or vocalizations ’ which , though experienced as irresistible , can be suppressed for varying lengths of time .
17 The proposals mean that joint local planning and action will continue to be essential , but that responsibilities and accountability for the plans and action will be clearer than they are now … it must be emphasised that effective co-operation at the local level will be essential , both to the success of individual projects and , more broadly , if the whole range of community care services is to be delivered effectively .
18 In view of the enormous variety of deserts , caused principally by structural and lithological differences but also by climatic differences , it must be emphasised that the features discussed below are not characteristic of all deserts .
19 It must be emphasised that the question whether or not such conduct is now covered by section 5 can not be determined by this statement of governmental intentions .
20 It must be emphasised that this phasor diagram applies only to the fundamental current component and that the complete phase current waveform contains many other higher frequency components , which do not contribute to the torque produced by the motor .
21 It must be emphasised that the results for an interim period do not necessarily provide a reliable indication of those for the full year .
22 It must be emphasised that the results for an interim period do not usually provide a reliable indication of those for the full year .
23 This Report focuses on some of the immediate problems , and suggests some possible solutions , but it must be emphasised that no single component of RBGE can hope to deal with all of these issues .
24 It must be emphasised that you can not expect any financial support from the University .
25 It must be emphasised that the test is whether the clause was a fair and reasonable one to have been included in the contract in question ( see Josef Marton v Southwestern General Property ( 1982 ) , unreported ) .
26 It must be emphasised that this is not an exact expression of the general system of parasitic nematodes , but is a simplified presentation intended for use in the study of veterinary parasitology .
27 It must be emphasised that the IS-LM model is a theoretical construction based on many assumptions .
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