Example sentences of "question as [prep] whether [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was interesting to note that the responses to the CRUS question as to whether a member of library staff was designated as training officer also indicated that title held is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
2 This approach seems to beg the question as to whether a suicide can ever be regarded as being in their right mind .
3 The question as to whether an unchaste priest might celebrate the mass became important .
4 It is perhaps for this reason that the Court of Appeal in Faccenda left open the question as to whether an employee could sell the information which was comprised in the skills acquired in the course of employment which he could not be prevented from using himself .
5 Leaving aside the question as to whether the State and reformers were successful in affecting young people , the process itself was instrumental in creating a new image for youth , one which in common with so many of its other images , emphasized incapacity while seeking to deepen its dependence on the appropriate agencies .
6 The question as to whether the contract was a consumer deal arose in Rasbora Ltd. v. J.C.L .
7 It is difficult to answer the question as to whether the papacy may be accounted a financial power of importance on a European level .
8 But in our present context , it raises the question as to whether the call of the Killer whaler is recognized instinctively by a new-born seal or porpoise or whether it is learnt during adolescence , while in the company of parents .
9 Nevertheless , says the Crown Prince , ‘ I agreed absolutely with his proposal that the question as to whether the offensive should be continued or broken off should be settled by the result of the partial attack on the East [ Right ] Bank . ’
10 Even if one discounts this problem , there is the question as to whether the tradition of authority and concern with social discipline is sufficient in itself to define Conservatism and to distinguish it from other ideologies .
11 This raises the question as to whether the genuineness of the Church should be judged by its effectiveness in achieving growth .
12 We must at last face the question as to whether the time is right to discard the nation state .
13 There is no single answer to questions as to whether the use of law is right or wrong .
14 But the five year supply deal signed by Enterprise , by which Bass continue to provide the beers , must raise questions as to whether the letter , if not the spirit , of the Supply of Beer Orders are being broken .
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