Example sentences of "in failing [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He would then have to plead that the loss was attributable to the third party 's professional negligence in failing to draw the attention of the plaintiffs to what the third defendant and others were doing .
2 It follows that the magistrate in the present case committed no error in failing to ascertain the scope of the jurisdiction of the Swedish courts .
3 Once this occurs the democratic process can have an important function in failing to legitimize the state , and in providing justification for a rejection by groups of subjects not only of particular governments , but of more general constitutional arrangements .
4 ( 5 ) The justices erred in failing to consider the evidence of potential detriment to the child if he remained in secure accommodation , particularly in the light of the evidence .
5 But unless they are unequally matched ; unless , for instance , one side is very simple or unfortunate in failing to gauge the strength of the other side , the price is likely to be never very far from 36s. ; and it is nearly sure to be pretty close to 36s. at the end of market .
6 This may sound rather woolly , but it is in fact the instrumental arguments which tend to be woolly in failing to show the relationship between instrumental means ( more business studies graduates ) and desirable ends ( more happiness , justice , freedom ) .
7 Held , dismissing the appeal , that since it was the business of estate agents to act for numerous principals , several of whom might be competing and whose interests would conflict , a term was to be implied in the contract with such an agent that he was entitled to act for other principals selling similar properties and to keep confidential information obtained from each principal and that the agent 's fiduciary duty was determined by the contract of agency ; that since the plaintiff knew that the defendants would be acting for other vendors of comparable properties and would receive confidential information from them , the agency contract could not have included terms requiring them to disclose that confidential information to him , or precluding them from acting for rival vendors , or from trying to earn commission on the sale of another vendor 's property ; and that , accordingly , although the purchaser 's interest in acquiring both properties was material information which could have affected negotiations for the sale price of the plaintiff 's house , the defendants were not in breach of their duty in failing to inform the plaintiff of the agreement to buy the adjacent house , which was confidential to the owner thereof , and the defendants ' financial interest in that sale did not give rise to a breach of fiduciary duty ( post , pp. 941A–B , G–H , 942A–B , G — 943B ) .
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