Example sentences of "a report published [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A report published at the end of January by the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances highlighted the killing of civilians in Sri Lanka , particularly in connection with the security forces ' campaign ( which peaked in late 1989 and early 1990 ) to eliminate the Sinhala insurgent Janatha Vimukti Peramuna ( JVP ) in the south of the country [ see pp. 37042 ; 37353 ] .
2 EIRE 's rapidly growing catering industry still has plenty of room for investment , according to a report published by the country 's National Food Centre .
3 This trend was confirmed by a report published by the URA in 1985 that found no low income homebuyers moving into the area during the Programme period .
4 Universities do not have enough money for urgently needed repairs claims a report published by the Lay Chairmen of University Councils .
5 a report published by the Church of England in 1985 , pointed out that there were :
6 This follows close on the heels of a report published by the RSPB last year , Death by Design , which outlined just how serious the problem had become .
7 This is the conclusion of a report published by the Countryside Commission and compiled by Oxford University 's transport studies unit .
8 A report published by the UK Office of Science and Technology ( OST ) challenges the traditional view of the Treasury that hosting an international scientific facility has little long-term impact on the economy of the host nation .
9 A report published by the Commission for Racial Equality in 1987 also suggested that British trained doctors from ethnic minorities had trouble in getting the best jobs .
10 The hardship and neglect suffered by the sick was confirmed by a report published by the Lancet in 1866 .
11 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Feb. 20 accused the Moroccan authorities of engaging in the " systematic torture and ill-treatment of people held in police custody " , particularly in Casablanca .
12 A report published by the UK environmental organization Friends of the Earth on Dec. 14 , 1989 , estimated that global rainforest destruction had doubled from an average of 75,000 sq km per year in the 1970s to 142,000 sq km per year in the 1980s .
13 The practice of exporting the so-called " dirty dozen " hazardous pesticides ( banned in western Europe and North America ) to the Third World was highlighted by a report published by the environmental campaign group Greenpeace on Aug. 29 , 1989 .
14 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on May 9 urged the government to investigate allegations of the arbitrary arrest , detention , unfair trial and torture of hundreds of political dissidents .
15 A report published by the private , Washington-based World Resources Institute on July 3 , 1990 , listed countries ' emissions of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming .
16 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on June 26 said that nearly 400 political prisoners , mostly Islamic fundamentalists , had been imprisoned in Libya between January 1989 and April 1990 .
17 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on July 30 condemned the treatment of Palestinian detainees by the Israeli security forces .
18 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Aug. 21 contained further claims that hundreds of people had been killed while under detention between November 1990 and March 1991 [ for April report see p. 38135 ] .
19 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Nov. 6 called on the Djibouti government to end the arbitrary detention of members of the opposition .
20 A report published by the Africa Watch human rights organization on Dec. 10 , 1991 , had detailed evidence of what it described as a " steady war of attrition " in which the Sudanese authorities allegedly sought to eliminate community leaders and the educated classes among the Nuba , especially since 1989 .
21 A report published by the human rights organization by Amnesty International on April 7 accused the regime of President Gen. Gnassingbe Eyadema of human rights abuses in the period prior to the reduction of his powers by the national conference in 1991 [ see p. 38379 ] .
22 The Minister of Public Order Theodore Anagnostopoulos repudiated allegations of human rights abuses contained in a report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on June 23 .
23 " Most consumers do not think of domestic appliances as polluters " says a report published by the Department of Energy .
24 A report published by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) warns that toxins produced by blue-green algae could prove a hazard to human health should water become contaminated .
25 A report published by the Czech government has revealed the extent of air pollution in Bohemia , northern Czechoslovakia , and its effect on the population .
26 A report published by the University of Bucharest has claimed that the country is " saturated " with pollution , as a result of inadequate or unenforced controls during the Ceausescu years .
27 Gamekeepers and farmers are illegally killing large numbers of Britain 's rarest birds , according to a report published by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) in association with the Nature Conservancy Council ( NCC ) .
28 Tibet is free from radioactive contamination , acid rain and other forms of environmental pollution , according to a report published by the region 's Environmental Protection Bureau .
29 A report published by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) says there is an underlying trend of real and sustained improvement in the quality of coastal bathing waters , which appears to be the result of the extensive capital schemes for sewage treatment currently being undertaken by the water companies .
30 Paper mills in Britain which are breaking the law by discharging more effluent into rivers than permitted are nearly all escaping prosecution , according to a report published by the Women 's Environmental Network , an independent pressure group .
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